Zongliang Yue, Ph.D.
Zongliang Yue, Ph.D.
在 auburn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
DMAP: a connectivity map database to enable identification of novel drug repositioning candidates
H Huang, T Nguyen, S Ibrahim, S Shantharam, Z Yue, JY Chen
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-11, 2015
Proteomic characterization reveals that MMP-3 correlates with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome following allogeneic hematopoietic cell and lung transplantation
X Liu, Z Yue, J Yu, E Daguindau, K Kushekhar, Q Zhang, Y Ogata, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 16 (8), 2342-2351, 2016
Repositioning drugs by targeting network modules: a Parkinson’s disease case study
Z Yue, I Arora, EY Zhang, V Laufer, SL Bridges, JY Chen
BMC bioinformatics 18, 17-30, 2017
Metabolic alterations mediated by STAT3 promotes drug persistence in CML
SB Patel, T Nemkov, D Stefanoni, GA Benavides, MA Bassal, BL Crown, ...
Leukemia 35 (12), 3371-3382, 2021
PAGER: constructing PAGs and new PAG–PAG relationships for network biology
Z Yue, MM Kshirsagar, T Nguyen, C Suphavilai, MT Neylon, L Zhu, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (12), i250-i257, 2015
A nonredundant role for T cell-derived interleukin 22 in antibacterial defense of colonic crypts
CL Zindl, SJ Witte, VA Laufer, M Gao, Z Yue, KM Janowski, B Cai, BF Frey, ...
Immunity 55 (3), 494-511. e11, 2022
PAGER 2.0: an update to the pathway, annotated-list and gene-signature electronic repository for Human Network Biology
Z Yue, Q Zheng, MT Neylon, M Yoo, J Shin, Z Zhao, AC Tan, JY Chen
Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D668-D676, 2018
PAGER-CoV: a comprehensive collection of pathways, annotated gene-lists and gene signatures for coronavirus disease studies
Z Yue, E Zhang, C Xu, S Khurana, N Batra, SDH Dang, JJ Cimino, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D589-D599, 2021
An in vivo model of glioblastoma radiation resistance identifies long noncoding RNAs and targetable kinases
CT Stackhouse, JC Anderson, Z Yue, T Nguyen, NJ Eustace, CP Langford, ...
JCI insight 7 (16), 2022
BEERE: a web server for biomedical entity expansion, ranking and explorations
Z Yue, CD Willey, AB Hjelmeland, JY Chen
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (W1), W578-W586, 2019
Mechanisms of radiation resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans R1 revealed by the reconstruction of gene regulatory network using bayesian network approach
P Wan, Z Yue, Z Xie, Q Gao, M Yu, Z Yang, J Huang
J Proteomics Bioinform S 6, 2, 2013
PAGER Web APP: An interactive, online gene set and network interpretation tool for functional genomics
Z Yue, R Slominski, S Bharti, JY Chen
Frontiers in Genetics, 744, 2022
WIPER: Weighted in‐Path Edge Ranking for biomolecular association networks
Z Yue, T Nguyen, E Zhang, J Zhang, JY Chen
Quantitative Biology 7 (4), 313-326, 2019
WINNER: A network biology tool for biomolecular characterization and prioritization
T Nguyen, Z Yue, R Slominski, R Welner, J Zhang, JY Chen
Frontiers in Big Data 5, 1016606, 2022
“Super Gene Set” Causal Relationship Discovery from Functional Genomics Data
Z Yue, MT Neylon, T Nguyen, T Ratliff, JY Chen
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 15 (6 …, 2018
SLDR: a computational technique to identify novel genetic regulatory relationships
Z Yue, P Wan, H Huang, Z Xie, JY Chen
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-16, 2014
Graft-versus-host disease–free antitumoral signature after allogeneic donor lymphocyte injection identified by proteomics and systems biology
X Liu, Z Yue, Y Cao, L Taylor, Q Zhang, SW Choi, S Hanash, S Ito, ...
JCO precision oncology 3, 1-11, 2019
DEMA: a distance-bounded energy-field minimization algorithm to model and layout biomolecular networks with quantitative features
Z Weng, Z Yue, Y Zhu, JY Chen
Bioinformatics 38 (Supplement_1), i359-i368, 2022
Statistical enrichment analysis of samples: A general-purpose tool to annotate metadata neighborhoods of biological samples
TM Nguyen, S Bharti, Z Yue, CD Willey, JY Chen
Frontiers in big Data 4, 725276, 2021
Biological Network Mining
Z Yue, D Yan, G Guo, JY Chen
Modeling Transcriptional Regulation, 139-151, 2021
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