Damian Palin
Damian Palin
Senior Research Associate (Research Assistant Professor), University of Cambridge
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Autogenous healing of marine exposed concrete: Characterization and quantification through visual crack closure
D Palin, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
Cement and Concrete Research 73, 17-24, 2015
A bacteria-based bead for possible self-healing marine concrete applications
D Palin, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
Smart Materials and structures 25 (8), 084008, 2016
A bacteria-based self-healing cementitious composite for application in low-temperature marine environments
D Palin, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
Biomimetics 2 (3), 13, 2017
Autogenous healing of sea-water exposed mortar: Quantification through a simple and rapid permeability test
D Palin, HM Jonkers, V Wiktor
Cement and Concrete Research 84, 1-7, 2016
Bio-based self-healing concrete: from research to field application
E Tziviloglou, K Van Tittelboom, D Palin, J Wang, MG Sierra-Beltrán, ...
Self-healing materials, 345-385, 2016
Optimization of the calcium alginate capsules for self-healing asphalt
S Xu, A Tabaković, X Liu, D Palin, E Schlangen
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 468, 2019
Volume fraction, thickness, and permeability of the sealing layer in microbial self-healing concrete containing biogranules
YC Ersan, D Palin, SB Yengec Tasdemir, K Tasdemir, HM Jonkers, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 4, 70, 2018
Forming anisotropic crystal composites: assessing the mechanical translation of gel network anisotropy to calcite crystal form
D Palin, RW Style, J Zlopaša, JJ Petrozzini, MA Pfeifer, HM Jonkers, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (9), 3439-3447, 2021
Bacteria-based agent for self-healing marine concrete
D Palin, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Self-Healing Materials (Durham, USA), 2-6, 2015
A cost-effective bacteria-based self-healing cementitious composite for low-temperature marine applications
D Palin
Towards cost efficient bacteria based self-healing marine concrete
D Palin, V Wiktor, H Jonkers
Concrete Solutions; CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group: Boca Raton, Leiden …, 2014
An improved test for generating rapid, accurate, and reliable crack permeability data for cementitious materials
D Palin, Y Mo, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
International Journal of Civil Engineering 17, 645-652, 2019
Bacteria-based self-healing concrete for application in the marine environment
D Palin, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers
ICSHM 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Self-Healing …, 2013
Microbially mediated carbonation of marine alkaline minerals: Potential for concrete crack healing
HM Jonkers, D Palin, PJ Flink, A Thijssen
ICSHM 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Self-Healing …, 2013
Method and apparatus for dispensing sanitizer fluid
V Gardiner, R Gilbert, D Palin, J McKnight, AR Oshmyansky
US Patent 8,636,177, 2014
Limestone-producing bacteria make concrete self healing
HM Jonkers, VAC Wiktor, MG Sierra-Beltran, RM Mors, E Tziviloglou, ...
Self Healing Materials, 137-148, 2015
A rapid and repeatable method for establishing the water permeability of cracked mortar specimens
D Palin, Y Ersan, V Wiktor, N De Belie, HM Jonkers
Proceedings of the Fib Concrete—Innovation and Design, Copenhagen, Denmark …, 2015
ESEM-BSE coupled with rapid nano-scratching for micro-physicochemical analysis of marine exposed concrete
D Palin, A Thijssen, V Wiktor, HM Jonkers, H Schlangen
EMABM 2015: Proceedings of the 15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to …, 2015
A bacteria-based agent for realizing cost-effective self-healing concrete in low-temperature marine environments
D Palin, MAA Geleijnse, BA Abbas, V Wiktor, H Jonkers
Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions, 2018
Healing depth and functionality regain of non-axenic granulated culture based self-healing concrete
YC Ersan, D Palin, H Jonkers, N Boon, N De Belie
Final conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI: Microorganisms-cementitious materials …, 2018
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