Priscila Yukari SEWO SAMPAIO
Priscila Yukari SEWO SAMPAIO
Professora do Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
在 academico.ufs.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Systematic review of the Kihon Checklist: Is it a reliable assessment of frailty?
PY Sewo Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, M Yamada, H Arai
Geriatrics & gerontology international 16 (8), 893-902, 2016
Validation and translation of the K ihon C hecklist (frailty index) into B razilian P ortuguese
PY Sewo Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, M Yamada, M Ogita, H Arai
Geriatrics & gerontology international 14 (3), 561-569, 2014
Arterial stiffness is associated with low skeletal muscle mass in J apanese community‐dwelling older adults
RAC Sampaio, PY Sewo Sampaio, M Yamada, T Yukutake, MC Uchida, ...
Geriatrics & gerontology international 14, 109-114, 2014
Differences in lifestyle, physical performance and quality of life between frail and robust Brazilian community‐dwelling elderly women
PY Sewo Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, HJ Coelho Júnior, LFM Teixeira, ...
Geriatrics & gerontology international 16 (7), 829-835, 2016
The association of activity and participation with quality of life between Japanese older adults living in rural and urban areas
PYS Sampaio, E Ito, RAC Sampaio
Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics 4 (2), 51-56, 2013
Self‐reported quality of sleep is associated with bodily pain, vitality and cognitive impairment in Japanese older adults
RAC Sampaio, PY Sewo Sampaio, M Yamada, T Tsuboyama, H Arai
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 14 (3), 628-635, 2014
Activities with higher influence on quality of life in older adults in Japan
PY Sewo Sampaio, E Ito
Occupational Therapy International 20 (1), 1-10, 2013
Periodized and non-periodized resistance training programs on body composition and physical function of older women
HJ Coelho-Júnior, I de Oliveira Gonçalvez, RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, ...
Experimental Gerontology 121, 10-18, 2019
Tecnologia assistiva e suas relações com a qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência
RF dos Santos, PYS Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, GL Gutierrez, ...
Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo 28 (1), 54-62, 2017
Effects of combined resistance and power training on cognitive function in older women: a randomized controlled trial
HJ Coelho-Júnior, I Oliveira Gonçalves, RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (10), 3435, 2020
Cutoffs and cardiovascular risk factors associated with neck circumference among community-dwelling elderly adults: a cross-sectional study
HJ Coelho, RAC Sampaio, IO Gonçalvez, SS Aguiar, R Palmeira, ...
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 134 (06), 519-527, 2016
Comparison of frailty between users and nonusers of a day care center using the Kihon Checklist in Brazil
PYS Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, M Yamada, H Arai
Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics 5 (3), 82-85, 2014
Cutoff values for appendicular skeletal muscle mass and strength in relation to fear of falling among Brazilian older adults: cross-sectional study
RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, LAA Castaño, JF Barbieri, HJ Coelho, ...
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 135 (05), 434-443, 2017
Urban-rural differences in physical performance and health status among older Japanese community-dwelling women
RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, M Yamada, M Ogita, H Arai
Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics 3 (4), 127-131, 2012
Use of virtual rehabilitation to improve the symmetry of body temperature, balance, and functionality of patients with stroke sequelae
AF Zanona, RF de Souza, FJ Aidar, DG de Matos, KMB Santos, ...
Annals of Neurosciences 25 (3), 166-173, 2019
Comparison of frailty among J apanese, B razilian J apanese descendants and B razilian community‐dwelling older women
PY Sewo Sampaio, RAC Sampaio, M Yamada, M Ogita, H Arai
Geriatrics & gerontology international 15 (6), 762-769, 2015
Management of dynapenia, sarcopenia, and frailty: the role of physical exercise
RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, MC Uchida, H Arai
Journal of Aging Research 2020, 2020
Assistive technology and its relationship to the quality of life of people with disabilities.
RF dos Santos, PY Sewo Sampaio, RA Carvalho Sampaio, ...
Journal of Occupational Therapy of University of São Paulo/Revista de …, 2017
Factors associated with falls in active older adults in Japan and Brazil
RAC Sampaio, PYS Sampaio, M Yamada, M Ogita, SMM Matsudo, ...
Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics 4 (3), 89-92, 2013
Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy on activity and participation after a stroke: Systematic review and meta-analysis
JA de Azevedo, FDS Barbosa, VM Seixas, KRD da Silva Scipioni, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 987061, 2022
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