Sagar Saroha
Sagar Saroha
Research Scholar, IIT Delhi
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Evaluation of partially averaged navier-stokes method in simulating flow past a sphere
S Saroha, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 11 (5), 1333-1348, 2018
Evaluation of PANS method in conjunction with non-linear eddy viscosity closure using OpenFOAM
S Saroha, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 29 (3), 949-980, 2019
Experimental and computational investigation of airwake aerodynamics of the generic aircraft carrier with ski-jump
S Shukla, SS Sinha, S Saroha, HH Khan, SN Singh
Ocean Engineering 249, 110902, 2022
An OpenFOAM-Based Evaluation of PANS Methodology in Conjunction with Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity: Flow Past a Heated Cylinder
S Saroha, K Chakraborty, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 13 (5), 1453-1469, 2020
An OpenFOAM-Based Extension of Low-Re k–ε Model to the Partially Averaged Navier–Stokes Methodology for Simulating Separated Flows With Heat Transfer
K Chakraborty, S Saroha, SS Sinha
Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (4), 041501, 2020
Evaluation of pans methodology with nonlinear eddy viscosity closure: flow past a heated sphere
S Saroha, K Chakraborty, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (9), 091502, 2020
Effect of Wall Treatment on the Performance of k-ϵ Model for Separated Flows
K Chakraborty, S Saroha, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
An OpenFOAM-based evaluation of various wall treatment strategies in simulating separated flows past bluff bodies with heat transfer
K Chakraborty, S Saroha, SS Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 30 (5), 835-856, 2023
Improved scale-resolved predictions of flow and heat transfer past a bluff body using partially averaged Navier–Stokes and a high-order eddy viscosity closure
S Saroha, SS Sinha
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2023
Evaluation of Variable Parameter Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes Method with Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Closure
S Sinha, S SAROHA, A More
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Augmentation of partially averaged navier stokes method using non linear eddy viscosity closure
S Saroha
Delhi, 2020
Scale resolving simulations of flow past a heated sphere using non-linear eddy viscosity closure
S SAROHA, K Chakraborty, S Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Numerical Investigation of Flow Through a Rotating, Annular, Variable-Area Duct
P Saini, S Saroha, S Shukla, SS Sinha
Recent Advances in Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental …, 2020
Enhancement of PANS with Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Closure
S Saroha, K Chakraborty, S Suman Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L19. 004, 2019
OpenFOAM based Evaluation of PANS Method with Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Closure for Separated Turbulent Flows
S Saroha, S Sinha, S Lakshmipathy
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Krishnendu Chakraborty
S Saroha, SS Sinha
Simulation of flow past an airship using Partially-averaged Navier Stokes
S Saroha, SS Sinha, B Srinivasan
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