Yong-Yub Kim (김용엽)
Yong-Yub Kim (김용엽)
其他姓名김 용엽
IBS Center for Climate Physics
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Role of cold water and beta-effect in the formation of the East Korean Warm Current in the East/Japan Sea: a numerical experiment
YY Kim, YK Cho, YH Kim
Ocean Dynamics 68, 1013-1023, 2018
Local Sea-level rise caused by climate change in the Northwest pacific marginal seas using dynamical downscaling
YY Kim, BG Kim, KY Jeong, E Lee, DS Byun, YK Cho
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 620570, 2021
Potential impact of late 1980s regime shift on the collapse of walleye pollock catch in the western east/Japan Sea
YY Kim, YK Kang, ST Lee, HK Jung, CI Lee, S Kim, KY Jeong, DS Byun, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 802748, 2022
Assessments of nitrate budgets in the yellow Sea based on a 3D physical-biogeochemical coupled model
YJ Tak, YK Cho, J Hwang, YY Kim
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 785377, 2022
Spatial similarity between the changjiang diluted water and marine heatwaves in the East China sea during summer
YJIN Tak, YKI Cho, H Song, SHWA Chae, YYUB Kim
The Sea Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography 28 (4), 121-132, 2023
Severe reduction in spawning days and larval abundance of walleye pollock under future warming in the western East/Japan Sea
YY Kim, ST Lee, BG Kim, YK Cho, CI Lee, S Kim, YJ Tak
Environmental Research Communications 6 (3), 031006, 2024
Estimating Seasonal to Multi-year Predictability of Statistics of Climate Extremes using the CESM2-based Climate Prediction System
A Karwat, JY Lee, C Franzke, YY Kim
EGU24, 2024
Exploring Sources of Multi-year Predictability of Terrestrial Ecosystem
JY Lee, YY Kim, J Yun
EGU24, 2024
A multi-year climate prediction system based on CESM2
YY Kim, JY Lee, A Timmermann, Y Chikamoto, SS Lee, EY Kwon, W Park, ...
EGU24, 2024
Influence of Tropical Basin Interactions on the 2020-23 La Niña
AKMN Hasan, Y Chikamoto, MJ McPhaden, JY Lee, YY Kim, W Park
2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2024
Projection of local sea-level rise under CMIP6 scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP5-8.5) in the Northwestern Pacific marginal seas using dynamical downscaling.
YK Kang, YK Cho, YY Kim, BK Kim, GH Seo, SJ Kwon, HJ Oh
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-10492, 2023
Reproduction and projection of sea level around Korean Peninsula using regional climate ocean model with dynamical downscaling method
KY Jeong, E Lee, DS Byun, GH Seo, HY Lee, YK Cho, YY Kim
EGU2020, 2020
Dynamical downscaling to resolve spatial difference of sea level change in the Northwestern Pacific marginal seas
YY Kim, YK Cho, KY Jeong, E Lee
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
우리나라 연안 해수면의 지난 수십년 추세와 미래 전망 계획
YY Kim
한국연안방재학회 학술발표대회 논문집 2019 (1), 41-41, 2019
Sea level change around Korean Peninsula over the last several decades based on observation data and numerical model.
KY Jeong, E Lee, HK Kim, B Kang, YK Cho, MT Kwak, YY Kim
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Observation and modelling for long term sea-level changes around Korean Peninsula
KY Jeong, YK Cho, MT Kwak, YY Kim, E Lee, DS Byun
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11114, 2018
Role of the cold water in the formation of the East Korea Warm Current in East/Japan Sea: A numerical experiment in realistic topography
YY Kim, YH Kim, YK Cho
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018
[해양수산부 국립해양조사원] 기후변화 대응 해수면 변동 분석 및 예측 연구 결과 보고서: 결과 보고서. 3
정정교, 이경재, 김세연, 정동원, 한명희, 한동훈, 박상표, 김용엽, ...
국립중앙도서관 연계자료, 0-0, 2018
동해 저층냉수가 동한난류의 형성에 미치는 영향에 대한 수치실험
서울대학교 대학원, 2017
[해양수산부 국립해양조사원] 기후변화 대응 해수면 변동 분석 및 예측 연구 (2) 결과보고서
윤승태, 남성현, 이정경, 김용엽, 김봉관, 안윤우, 조양기, 최요한, ...
국립중앙도서관 연계자료, 0-0, 2017
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