Karen S. Baker
Karen S. Baker
School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois
在 illinois.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Optical properties of the clearest natural waters (200–800 nm)
RC Smith, KS Baker
Applied optics 20 (2), 177-184, 1981
A semianalytic radiance model of ocean color
HR Gordon, OB Brown, RH Evans, JW Brown, RC Smith, KS Baker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 93 (D9), 10909-10924, 1988
Ozone depletion: ultraviolet radiation and phytoplankton biology in Antarctic waters
RC Smith, BB Prezelin, KS Baker, RR Bidigare, NP Boucher, T Coley, ...
Science 255 (5047), 952-959, 1992
Toward information infrastructure studies: Ways of knowing in a networked environment
GC Bowker, K Baker, F Millerand, D Ribes
International handbook of internet research, 97-117, 2010
Marine pelagic ecosystems: the west Antarctic Peninsula
HW Ducklow, K Baker, DG Martinson, LB Quetin, RM Ross, RC Smith, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 362 …, 2007
Penetration of UV-B and Biologically Effective Dose-Rates in Natural Waters*
RC Smith, KS Baker
Photochemistry and Photobiology 29 (2), 311-323, 1979
The bio‐optical state of ocean waters and remote sensing 1
RC Smith, KS Baker
Limnology and Oceanography 23 (2), 247-259, 1978
Marine ecosystem sensitivity to climate change: Historical observations and paleoecological records reveal ecological transitions in the Antarctic Peninsula region
RC Smith, D Ainley, K Baker, E Domack, S Emslie, B Fraser, J Kennett, ...
BioScience 49 (5), 393-404, 1999
Optical classification of natural waters 1
RC Smith, KS Baker
Limnology and Oceanography 23 (2), 260-267, 1978
Infrastructure time: Long-term matters in collaborative development
H Karasti, KS Baker, F Millerand
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 19, 377-415, 2010
Bio‐optical classification and model of natural waters. 2 1
KS Baker, RC Smith
Limnology and Oceanography 27 (3), 500-509, 1982
Big science and big data in biology: from the international geophysical year through the international biological program to the long term ecological research (LTER) network …
E Aronova, KS Baker, N Oreskes
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 40 (2), 183-224, 2010
Enriching the notion of data curation in e-science: data managing and information infrastructuring in the long term ecological research (LTER) network
H Karasti, KS Baker, E Halkola
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 15, 321-358, 2006
A simple analytical formula to compute clear sky total and photosynthetically available solar irradiance at the ocean surface
R Frouin, DW Lingner, C Gautier, KS Baker, RC Smith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 94 (C7), 9731-9742, 1989
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in natural waters
RC Smith, KS Baker, O Holm‐Hansen, R Olson
Photochemistry and Photobiology 31 (6), 585-592, 1980
Surface air temperature variations in the western Antarctic Peninsula region
RC Smith, SE Stammerjohn, KS Baker
Foundations for ecological research west of the Antarctic Peninsula 70, 105-121, 1996
The Palmer LTER: A long-term ecological research program at Palmer Station, Antarctica
RC Smith, KS Baker, WR Fraser, EE Hofmann, DM Karl, JM Klinck, ...
Oceanography 8 (3), 77-86, 1995
Oceanic chlorophyll concentrations as determined by satellite (Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner)
RC Smith, KS Baker
Marine Biology 66, 269-279, 1982
Chronology of warm‐core ring 82B
RH Evans, KS Baker, OB Brown, RC Smith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 90 (C5), 8803-8811, 1985
Infrastructuring for the long-term: Ecological information management
H Karasti, KS Baker
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
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