Vojkan Mihajlovic
Vojkan Mihajlovic
Principal Scientist, imec The Netherlands / Holst Centre
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Wearable, wireless EEG solutions in daily life applications: what are we missing?
V Mihajlović, B Grundlehner, R Vullers, J Penders
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (1), 6-21, 2014
Soft, comfortable polymer dry electrodes for high quality ECG and EEG recording
YH Chen, MO De Beeck, L Vanderheyden, E Carrette, V Mihajlović, ...
Sensors 14 (12), 23758-23780, 2014
Dynamic bayesian networks: A state of the art
V Mihajlovic, M Petkovic
University of Twente, 2001
Multi-modal extraction of highlights from TV formula 1 programs
M Petkovic, V Mihajlovic, W Jonker, S Djordjevic-Kajan
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 1, 817-820, 2002
A novel self-guided approach to alpha activity training
GJM van Boxtel, AJM Denissen, M Jäger, D Vernon, MKJ Dekker, ...
International journal of psychophysiology 83 (3), 282-294, 2012
Automated detection of stereotypical motor movements in autism spectrum disorder using recurrence quantification analysis
U Großekathöfer, NV Manyakov, V Mihajlović, G Pandina, A Skalkin, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 11, 9, 2017
Spatial filters to detect steady-state visual evoked potentials elicited by high frequency stimulation: BCI application
GG Molina, V Mihajlovic
Walter de Gruyter 55 (3), 173-182, 2010
The impact of head movements on EEG and contact impedance: An adaptive filtering solution for motion artifact reduction
V Mihajlović, S Patki, B Grundlehner
2014 36th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2014
Frontal EEG asymmetry based classification of emotional valence using common spatial patterns
I Winkler, M Jäger, V Mihajlovic, T Tsoneva
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 45, 373-378, 2010
Signal Quality in Dry Electrode EEG and the Relation to Skin-electrode Contact Impedance Magnitude.
AM Tautan, V Mihajlovic, YH Chen, B Grundlehner, J Penders, ...
Biodevices, 12-22, 2014
TIJAH: Embracing IR methods in XML databases
J List, V Mihajlović, G Ramírez, AP de Vries, D Hiemstra, HE Blok
Information Retrieval 8, 547-570, 2005
Motion artifact reduction in EEG recordings using multi-channel contact impedance measurements
A Bertrand, V Mihajlović, B Grundlehner, C Van Hoof, M Moonen
2013 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 258-261, 2013
TIJAH at INEX 2004 modeling phrases and relevance feedback
V Mihajlović, G Ramirez, AP de Vries, D Hiemstra, HE Blok
Advances in XML Information Retrieval: Third International Workshop of the …, 2005
TIJAH scratches INEX 2005: Vague element selection, image search, overlap, and relevance feedback
V Mihajlovic, G Ramirez, T Westerveld, D Hiemstra, HE Blok, AP de Vries
INEX, 72-87, 2005
The tijah xml-ir system at inex 2003
J List, V Mihajlović, AP de Vries, G Ramirez, D Hiemstra
Duisburg: University of Duisburg, 2003
Online BCI implementation of high-frequency phase modulated visual stimuli
D Zhu, G Garcia-Molina, V Mihajlović, RM Aarts
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity: 6th …, 2011
Automatic annotation of formula 1 races for content-based video retrieval
V Mihajlovic, M Petkovic
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2001
Phase synchrony analysis for SSVEP-based BCIs
D Zhu, GG Molina, V Mihajlović, RM Aarts
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology 2 …, 2010
Score region algebra: Building a transparent XML-R database
V Mihajlović, HE Blok, D Hiemstra, PMG Apers
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
The effect of force and electrode material on electrode-to-skin impedance
V Mihajlović, B Grundlehner
2012 IEEE biomedical circuits and systems conference (BioCAS), 57-60, 2012
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