Juan Martín Gómez Penedo
Juan Martín Gómez Penedo
在 psi.uba.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
A qualitative investigation of former clients’ perception of change, reasons for consultation, therapeutic relationship, and termination.
J Olivera, M Braun, JM Gómez Penedo, A Roussos
Psychotherapy 50 (4), 505, 2013
The working alliance inventory for guided internet interventions (WAI‐I)
JM Gómez Penedo, T Berger, M Grosse Holtforth, T Krieger, J Schröder, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 76 (6), 973-986, 2020
The complex interplay of pain, depression, and anxiety symptoms in patients with chronic pain: a network approach
JMG Penedo, JA Rubel, L Blättler, SJ Schmidt, J Stewart, N Egloff, ...
The Clinical Journal of Pain 36 (4), 249-259, 2020
Markers for context-responsiveness: Client baseline interpersonal problems moderate the efficacy of two psychotherapies for generalized anxiety disorder.
JM Gomez Penedo, MJ Constantino, AE Coyne, HA Westra, MM Antony
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 85 (10), 1000, 2017
The association of therapeutic alliance with long-term outcome in a guided internet intervention for depression: secondary analysis from a randomized control trial
JM Gómez Penedo, AM Babl, M grosse Holtforth, F Hohagen, T Krieger, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (3), e15824, 2020
Interpersonal agency as predictor of the within-patient alliance effects on depression severity.
JM Gómez Penedo, A Babl, T Krieger, E Heinonen, C Flückiger
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 88 (4), 338, 2020
El método de investigación cualitativa consensual (Consensual Qualitative Research, CQR): Una herramienta para la investigación cualitativa en psicología clínica
S Juan, JM Gómez Penedo, I Etchebarne, AJ Roussos
Anuario de investigaciones 18, 47-56, 2011
¿ Cómo sabemos si nuestros pacientes mejoran? Criterios para la significancia clínica en psicoterapia: Un debate que se renueva
JM Gómez Penedo, A Roussos
Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Humanidades. Proyectos de Investigación, 2012
The use of digitally assessed stress levels to model change processes in CBT-a feasibility study on seven case examples
MI Hehlmann, B Schwartz, T Lutz, JM Gómez Penedo, JA Rubel, W Lutz
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 613085, 2021
Client–therapist agreement in the termination process and its association with therapeutic relationship.
J Olivera, L Challú, JM Gómez Penedo, A Roussos
Psychotherapy 54 (1), 88, 2017
Differential client perspectives on therapy in Argentina and the United States: A cross-cultural study.
W Jock, KW Bolger, JM Gómez Penedo, V Waizmann, J Olivera, ...
Psychotherapy 50 (4), 517, 2013
Una perspectiva psicoanalítica sobre el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Raíces históricas y tendencias actuales
S Juan, I Etchebarne, M Gómez Penedo, A Roussos
Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Humanidades. Proyectos de Investigación, 2011
Impact of attachment behavior on the treatment process of chronic pain patients
AC Pfeifer, JMG Penedo, JC Ehrenthal, E Neubauer, D Amelung, ...
Journal of Pain Research, 2653-2662, 2018
A poor and delayed anti-SARS-CoV2 IgG response is associated to severe COVID-19 in children
I Sananez, SC Raiden, SC Algieri, M Uranga, NA Grisolia, D Filippo, ...
EBioMedicine 72, 2021
Theory-specific patient change processes and mechanisms in different cognitive therapies for depression.
JM Gómez Penedo, AE Coyne, MJ Constantino, T Krieger, AM Hayes
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 88 (8), 774, 2020
A time-series analysis of therapeutic alliance, interventions, and client’s clinical status in an evidence-based single-case study: Evidence for establishing change mechanisms …
AJ Roussos, JM Gomez Penedo, R Muiños
Psychotherapy Research 28 (1), 137-149, 2018
Interpersonal profiles in emotional disorders predict the importance of alliance negotiation for early treatment outcome.
JM Gómez Penedo, S Zilcha-Mano, A Roussos
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87 (7), 617, 2019
Contextualized integration as a common playing field for clinicians and researchers: Comment on McWilliams.
MJ Constantino, AE Coyne, JM Gomez Penedo
Educational Publishing Foundation 27 (3), 296, 2017
Working towards the development and implementation of precision mental healthcare: An example
W Lutz, B Schwartz, J Martín Gómez Penedo, K Boyle, AK Deisenhofer
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2020
Escala de negociación de alianza terapéutica (ANS-A): evidencias de su validez y confiabilidad
V Waizmann, J Doran, K Bolger, JM Gómez Penedo, J Safran, A Roussos
Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica 24 (3), 243-254, 2015
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