jesus benajes
jesus benajes
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CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow in direct-injection Diesel engines
F Payri, J Benajes, X Margot, A Gil
Computers & fluids 33 (8), 995-1021, 2004
An investigation on RCCI combustion in a heavy duty diesel engine using in-cylinder blending of diesel and gasoline fuels
J Benajes, S Molina, A García, E Belarte, M Vanvolsem
Applied Thermal Engineering 63 (1), 66-76, 2014
Effects of direct injection timing and blending ratio on RCCI combustion with different low reactivity fuels
J Benajes, S Molina, A Garcia, J Monsalve-Serrano
Energy Conversion and Management 99, 193-209, 2015
Experimental characterization of diesel ignition and lift-off length using a single-hole ECN injector
J Benajes, R Payri, M Bardi, P Martí-Aldaraví
Applied thermal engineering 58 (1-2), 554-563, 2013
Analysis of the influence of diesel nozzle geometry in the injection rate characteristic
J Benajes, JV Pastor, R Payri, AH Plazas
J. Fluids Eng. 126 (1), 63-71, 2004
Influence of pre-and post-injection on the performance and pollutant emissions in a HD diesel engine
J Benajes, S Molina, JM García
SAE Transactions, 361-371, 2001
The potential of RCCI concept to meet EURO VI NOx limitation and ultra-low soot emissions in a heavy-duty engine over the whole engine map
J Benajes, JV Pastor, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano
Fuel 159, 952-961, 2015
Achieving clean and efficient engine operation up to full load by combining optimized RCCI and dual-fuel diesel-gasoline combustion strategies
J Benajes, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano, V Boronat
Energy Conversion and Management 136, 142-151, 2017
Evaluation of the passive pre-chamber ignition concept for future high compression ratio turbocharged spark-ignition engines
J Benajes, R Novella, J Gómez-Soriano, PJ Martínez-Hernándiz, C Libert, ...
Applied Energy 248, 576-588, 2019
The modification of the fuel injection rate in heavy-duty diesel engines. Part 1: Effects on engine performance and emissions
JM Desantes, J Benajes, S Molina, CA Gonzalez
Applied Thermal Engineering 24 (17-18), 2701-2714, 2004
Effects of low reactivity fuel characteristics and blending ratio on low load RCCI (reactivity controlled compression ignition) performance and emissions in a heavy-duty diesel …
J Benajes, S Molina, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano
Energy 90, 1261-1271, 2015
Selection of a diesel fuel surrogate for the prediction of auto-ignition under HCCI engine conditions
JJ Hernandez, J Sanz-Argent, J Benajes, S Molina
Fuel 87 (6), 655-665, 2008
The role of the in-cylinder gas temperature and oxygen concentration over low load reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion efficiency
JM Desantes, J Benajes, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano
Energy 78, 854-868, 2014
Modelling of supercharger turbines in internal-combustion engines
F Payri, J Benajes, M Reyes
International journal of mechanical sciences 38 (8-9), 853-869, 1996
Influence of the post-injection pattern on performance, soot and NOx emissions in a HD diesel engine
F Payri, J Benajes, JV Pastor, S Molina
SAE Technical Paper, 2002
An experimental investigation on the influence of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions in a heavy-duty engine
J Benajes, JV Pastor, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano
Energy Conversion and Management 103, 1019-1030, 2015
Performance and engine-out emissions evaluation of the double injection strategy applied to the gasoline partially premixed compression ignition spark assisted combustion concept
J Benajes, S Molina, A García, J Monsalve-Serrano, R Durrett
Applied Energy 134, 90-101, 2014
Optimization of the parallel and mild hybrid vehicle platforms operating under conventional and advanced combustion modes
J Benajes, A Garcia, J Monsalve-Serrano, S Martínez-Boggio
Energy Conversion and Management 190, 73-90, 2019
Effects of piston bowl geometry on Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition heat transfer and combustion losses at different engine loads
J Benajes, A García, JM Pastor, J Monsalve-Serrano
Energy 98, 64-77, 2016
Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence fuel concentration measurements in isothermal Diesel sprays
JV Pastor, JJ Lopez, J Enrique Juliá, JV Benajes
Optics Express 10 (7), 309-323, 2002
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