Jindrich Frajer
Jindrich Frajer
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Historical ponds of the Czech Republic: an example of the interpretation of historic maps
R Pavelková, J Frajer, M Havlíček, P Netopil, M Rozkošný, V David, ...
Journal of Maps 12 (sup1), 551-559, 2016
Czech students and mitigation of global warming: Beliefs and willingness to take action
M Lehnert, D Fiedor, J Frajer, J Hercik, M Jurek
Environmental Education Research 26 (6), 864-889, 2020
The long-term development of water bodies in the context of land use: the case of the Kyjovka and Trkmanka River basins (Czech Republic)/Dlouhodobý vývoj vodních ploch v povodí …
M Havlíček, R Pavelkova, J Frajer, H Skokanova
Moravian Geographical Reports 22 (4), 39-50, 2014
Research of historical landscape by using old maps with focus to its positional accuracy
J Frajer, J Geletič
Dela 36 (2011), 49-67, 2011
Historické rybníky České republiky: srovnání současnosti se stavem v 2. polovině 19. století
RP Chmelová, J Frajer, P Netopil
Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský TG Masaryka, 2014
Identifying hot and cool spots in the city centre based on bicycle measurements: the case of Olomouc, Czech Republic
M Lehnert, J Kubeček, J Geletič, M Jurek, J Frajer
Geographica Pannonica 22 (4), 2018
Knowledge of global climate change among Czech students and its influence on their beliefs in the efficacy of mitigation action
M Jurek, J Frajer, D Fiedor, J Brhelova, J Hercik, M Jáč, M Lehnert
Environmental Education Research 28 (8), 1126-1143, 2022
Integrating concepts of blue-green infrastructure to support multidisciplinary planning of sustainable cities
J Kopp, J Frajer, M Lehnert, M Kohout, J Ježek
Problemy Ekorozwoju 16 (2), 137-146, 2021
Reconstruction of extinct ponds using old maps, historical cadastres and the Digital Terrain Model of the Czech Republic of the 5th Generation
J Frajer, P Kladivo, J Geletič
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium …, 2013
Discovering extinct water bodies in the landscape of Central Europe using toponymic GIS
J Frajer, D Fiedor
Moravian Geographical Reports 26 (2), 121-134, 2018
A historical curiosity or a source of accurate spatial information on historical land use? The issue of accuracy of old cadastres in the example of Josephian Cadastre from the …
J Frajer, D Fiedor
Land Use Policy 100, 104937, 2021
What do residents consider to be gambling and what are their attitudes towards it? Evidence from the Czech republic
D Fiedor, O Král, J Frajer, M Šerý, Z Szczyrba
Journal of Gambling Studies 35, 1347-1360, 2019
Driving forces of the development of suburban landscape–A case study of the Sulkov site west of Pilsen
J Kopp, J Frajer, R Pavelková
Quaestiones Geographicae 34 (3), 51-64, 2015
Relics and transformation of former ponds in the urban environment of the historical region of Bohemia (Czech Republic)
J Frajer, R Pavelková, A Létal, J Kopp
Journal of Maps 17 (4), 151-161, 2021
Identification and analysis of areas of historical ponds (Chrudimka River Basin)
RP Chmelová, J Frajer, P Pavka, M Dzuráková, P Adámek
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis–Geographica 43 (2), 117-132, 2012
Vývoj využiti krajiny a vodních ploch v povodí Kyjovky od roku 1763 do současnosti
M Havlíček, R Pavelková-Chmelová, J Frajer, P Netopil
Acta Pruhoniciana 104, 39-48, 2013
Comparison of ecohydrological and climatological zoning of the cities: case study of the city of Pilsen
J Kopp, J Frajer, M Novotná, J Preis, M Dolejš
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (5), 350, 2021
Localisation of the painter’s canvas: Landscape paintings from the Iron Mountains (Czech Republic)
J Frajer, P Šimáček
Journal of Maps 15 (3), 66-74, 2019
Environmentální historie České republiky
J Daniel, J Frajer, P Klapka
Masarykova univerzita, 2013
The importance of historical maps for man-made pond research: From the past extent of ponds to issues of the present landscape. A case study from the Czech Republic
J Frajer, J Kremlová, D Fiedor, R Pavelková, M Trnka
Moravian Geographical Reports 29 (3), 184-201, 2021
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