Hendri Maja Saputra
Hendri Maja Saputra
Reseacher of Robotics and Mechatronic, National Research and Innovation Agency
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Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan Mobil Listrik Nasional
RA Subekti
Lipi Press, 2014
Kajian Kebijakan Alutsista Pertahanan dan Kemanan Republik Indonesia
M Mirdanies, HM Saputra, RA Subekti, V Susanti, A Sukma Nugraha, ...
LIPI Press, 2013
Pengembangan Buku Cerita Bergambar Berbasis Kearifan Lokal NTB untuk Menanamkan Nilai-nilai Karakter pada Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
H Saputra, K Nisa, IS Jiwandono
Journal of Classroom Action Research 4 (2), 61-70, 2022
Imu application in measurement of vehicle position and orientation for controlling a pan-tilt mechanism
HM Saputra, Z Abidin, E Rijanto
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 4 (1), 41-50, 2013
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Mekanisme Pelacakan Matahari Beserta Fasilitas Telekontrol Hemat Energi
M Mirdanies, RA Ardiansyah, HM Saputra, AS Nugraha, E Rijanto, ...
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 2 (1), 31-40, 2012
Trajectory scenario control for the remotely operated mobile robot LIPI platform based on energy consumption analysis
RP Saputra, E Rijanto, HM Saputra
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 7 (8), 851-866, 2012
Implementation of fuzzy logic control system on rotary car parking system prototype
N Ismail, I Nursalim, HM Saputra, TS Gunawan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS …, 2018
Kebijakan Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan di Provinsi Jawa Barat
V Susanti, A Hartanto, RA Subekti, HM Saputra
LIPI Press, 2011
Kebijakan Teknis Konversi BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
RA Subekti, A Hartanto, HM Saputra, V Susanti
LIPI Press, 2011
Kebijakan Nasional Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
V Susanti, A Hartanto, RA Subekti, HM Saputra
LIPI Press, 2011
An autonomous mobile robot platform for medical purpose
CHAHB Baskoro, HM Saputra, M Mirdanies, V Susanti, MF Radzi, ...
2020 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and …, 2020
Pre-service teacher’s physics attitude towards physics laboratory in Aceh
H Saputra, A Suhandi, A Setiawan, A Permanasari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1521 (2), 022029, 2020
Azimuth estimation based on generalized cross correlation phase transform (gcc-phat) using equilateral triangle microphone array
HAHBB Catur, HM Saputra
2019 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and …, 2019
Modified fourth-order runge-kutta method based on trapezoid approach
A Nurhakim, N Ismail, HM Saputra, S Uyun
2018 4th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-5, 2018
Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
A Hartanto, V Susanti, RA Subekti, HM Saputra, E Rijanto, A Hapid
LIPI, Bandung, 2012
Rancang Bangun Umpan Balik Eksternal untuk Kendali Sudut Motor Servo Berbasis Arduino
HM Saputra, TA Pambudi, DG Subagjo
Jurnal Teknologi Bahan dan Barang Teknik 6 (2), 43-48, 2016
Controlling unmanned ground vehicle via 4 channel remote control
HM Saputra, M Mirdanies
Energy Procedia 68, 381-388, 2015
Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine
DG Subagio, RA Subekti, HM Saputra, A Rajani, KH Sanjaya
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2 …, 2019
Pemikiran Musdah Mulia Tentang Kepemimpinan Politik Perempuan
H Saputra
Manthiq 1 (2), 2016
Analisis Kinematik dan Dinamik Mekanisme Penggerak 2-DOF untuk Antena Bergerak pada Komunikasi Satelit
HM Saputra, E Rijanto
Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia (JTI) 32 (1), 2009
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