Research challenges and applications for underwater sensor networking J Heidemann, W Ye, J Wills, A Syed, Y Li IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006. 1 …, 2006 | 1315 | 2006 |
Time Synchronization for High Latency Acoustic Networks. AA Syed, JS Heidemann Infocom 6, 1-12, 2006 | 485 | 2006 |
T-Lohi: A new class of MAC protocols for underwater acoustic sensor networks AA Syed, W Ye, J Heidemann IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 231-235, 2008 | 385 | 2008 |
A taxonomy of botnet behavior, detection, and defense S Khattak, NR Ramay, KR Khan, AA Syed, SA Khayam IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 16 (2), 898-924, 2013 | 265 | 2013 |
Underwater sensor networking: Research challenges and potential applications J Heidemann, Y Li, A Syed, J Wills, W Ye Proceedings of the Technical Report ISI-TR-2005-603, USC/Information …, 2005 | 221 | 2005 |
Understanding spatio-temporal uncertainty in medium access with ALOHA protocols AA Syed, W Ye, J Heidemann, B Krishnamachari Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Underwater Networks, 41-48, 2007 | 218 | 2007 |
Comparison and evaluation of the T-Lohi MAC for underwater acoustic sensor networks AA Syed, W Ye, J Heidemann IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (9), 1731-1743, 2008 | 179 | 2008 |
Energy harvesting and wireless transfer in sensor network applications: Concepts and experiences NA Bhatti, MH Alizai, AA Syed, L Mottola ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 12 (3), 1-40, 2016 | 175 | 2016 |
Classification of security attacks in VANET: A review of requirements and perspectives MAH Al Junaid, AA Syed, MNM Warip, KNFK Azir, NH Romli MATEC web of conferences 150, 06038, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Design and analysis of a propagation delay tolerant ALOHA protocol for underwater networks J Ahn, A Syed, B Krishnamachari, J Heidemann Ad Hoc Networks 9 (5), 752-766, 2011 | 73 | 2011 |
Inkev: In-kernel distributed network virtualization for dcn Z Ahmed, MH Alizai, AA Syed ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 46 (3), 1-6, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
A low-cost and flexible underwater platform to promote experiments in UWSN research N Ahmed, W Abbas, AA Syed Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Underwater Networks …, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Steam-powered sensing C Zhang, A Syed, Y Cho, J Heidemann Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on embedded networked sensor systems …, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
SDN-inspired, real-time botnet detection and flow-blocking at ISP and enterprise-level O Haq, Z Abaid, N Bhatti, Z Ahmed, A Syed 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5278-5283, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
BotFlex: A community-driven tool for botnet detection S Khattak, Z Ahmed, AA Syed, SA Khayam Journal of Network and Computer Applications 58, 144-154, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Design and evaluation of a low-cost, DIY-inspired, underwater platform to promote experimental research in UWSN W Bin Abbas, N Ahmed, C Usama, AA Syed Ad Hoc Networks 34, 239-251, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Sensors with lasers: Building a WSN power grid NA Bhatti, AA Syed, MH Alizai IPSN-14 Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information …, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Medium access for underwater acoustic sensor networks AA Syed, W Ye, J Heidemann Proceedings of the The First ACM International Workshop on Under Water …, 2006 | 19* | 2006 |
Rapid and scalable isp service delivery through a programmable middlebox KR Khan, Z Ahmed, S Ahmed, A Syed, SA Khayam ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 44 (3), 31-37, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Energy transference for sensornets AA Syed, Y Cho, J Heidemann Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on embedded networked sensor systems …, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |