Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment S Seneviratne, N Nicholls, D Easterling, C Goodess, S Kanae, J Kossin, ... | 2947 | 2012 |
A review of catastrophic drainage of moraine-dammed lakes in British Columbia JJ Clague, SG Evans Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (17-18), 1763-1783, 2000 | 603 | 2000 |
Recent climatic change and catastrophic geomorphic processes in mountain environments SG Evans, JJ Clague Geomorphology and natural hazards, 107-128, 1994 | 533 | 1994 |
Summary of coastal geologic evidence for past great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone BF Atwater, AR Nelson, JJ Clague, GA Carver, DK Yamaguchi, ... Earthquake spectra 11 (1), 1-18, 1995 | 460 | 1995 |
Toward mountains without permanent snow and ice M Huss, B Bookhagen, C Huggel, D Jacobsen, RS Bradley, JJ Clague, ... Earth's Future 5 (5), 418-435, 2017 | 456 | 2017 |
A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya DH Shugar, M Jacquemart, D Shean, S Bhushan, K Upadhyay, A Sattar, ... Science 373 (6552), 300-306, 2021 | 431 | 2021 |
Is climate change responsible for changing landslide activity in high mountains? C Huggel, JJ Clague, O Korup Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (1), 77-91, 2012 | 425 | 2012 |
Intensity scale ESI 2007 AM Michetti, L Guerrieri, E Vittori SystemCart, 2007 | 404* | 2007 |
Giant landslides, topography, and erosion O Korup, JJ Clague, RL Hermanns, K Hewitt, AL Strom, JT Weidinger Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (3-4), 578-589, 2007 | 381 | 2007 |
Destructive mass movements in high mountains: hazard and management GH Eisbacher, JJ Clague (No Title), 1984 | 379 | 1984 |
An overview of recent large catastrophic landslides in northern British Columbia, Canada M Geertsema, JJ Clague, JW Schwab, SG Evans Engineering geology 83 (1-3), 120-143, 2006 | 358 | 2006 |
History and isostatic effects of the last ice sheet in southern British Columbia JJ Clague, TS James Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (1-3), 71-87, 2002 | 357 | 2002 |
Late Quaternary sea levels and crustal movements, coastal British Columbia J Clague, JR Harper, RJ Hebda, DE Howes Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 19 (3), 597-618, 1982 | 321 | 1982 |
Legacies of catastrophic rock slope failures in mountain landscapes K Hewitt, JJ Clague, JF Orwin Earth-Science Reviews 87 (1-2), 1-38, 2008 | 285 | 2008 |
An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex AS Dalton, M Margold, CR Stokes, L Tarasov, AS Dyke, RS Adams, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 234, 106223, 2020 | 273 | 2020 |
Flood detection and susceptibility mapping using sentinel-1 remote sensing data and a machine learning approach: Hybrid intelligence of bagging ensemble based on k-nearest … H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, K Ghaderi, E Omidvar, N Al-Ansari, JJ Clague, ... Remote Sensing 12 (2), 266, 2020 | 254 | 2020 |
Ice-free conditions on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, at the height of late Wisconsin glaciation BG Warner, RW Mathewes, JJ Clague Science 218 (4573), 675-677, 1982 | 234 | 1982 |
The Cordilleran ice sheet DB Booth, KG Troost, JJ Clague, RB Waitt Developments in quaternary sciences 1, 17-43, 2003 | 229 | 2003 |
Evidence for large earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone JJ Clague Reviews of Geophysics 35 (4), 439-460, 1997 | 225 | 1997 |