Tim G. Frazier
Tim G. Frazier
Associate Professor, Georgetown University
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Spatial and temporal quantification of resilience at the community scale
TG Frazier
Applied Geography 42, 2013
A framework for the development of the SERV model: A Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability model
TG Frazier, CM Thompson, RJ Dezzani
Applied Geography 51, 158-172, 2014
Influence of potential sea level rise on societal vulnerability to hurricane storm-surge hazards, Sarasota County, Florida
TG Frazier, N Wood, B Yarnal, DH Bauer
Applied Geography 30 (4), 490-505, 2010
Opportunities and constraints to hazard mitigation planning
TG Frazier, MH Walker, A Kumari, CM Thompson
Applied Geography 40, 52-60, 2013
Stakeholder perspectives on land-use strategies for adapting to climate-change-enhanced coastal hazards: Sarasota, Florida
TG Frazier, N Wood, B Yarnal
Applied Geography 30 (4), 506-517, 2010
Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami evacuation and disaster relief planning in the US Pacific Northwest
N Wood, J Jones, M Schmidtlein, J Schelling, T Frazier
International journal of disaster risk reduction 18, 41-55, 2016
Socioeconomic implications of national flood insurance policy reform and flood insurance rate map revisions
T Frazier, EE Boyden, E Wood
Natural Hazards 103 (1), 329-346, 2020
Deterministic and probabilistic flood modeling for contemporary and future coastal and inland precipitation inundation
CM Thompson, TG Frazier
Applied Geography 50, 1-14, 2014
The practical use of social vulnerability indicators in disaster management
E Wood, M Sanders, T Frazier
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 63, 102464, 2021
Social vulnerability to climate change in temperate forest areas: New measures of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity
AP Fischer, TG Frazier
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (3), 658-678, 2018
Development of a spatially explicit vulnerability-resilience model for community level hazard mitigation enhancement
TG Frazier, CM Thompson, RJ Dezzani
Disaster Management and Human Health Risk III.’(Ed. CA Brebbia) pp, 13-24, 2013
Variations in community exposure and sensitivity to tsunami hazards in the state of Hawai'i
N Wood, A Church, T Frazier, B Yarnal
Scientific Investigations Report, 2007
Influence of road network and population demand assumptions in evacuation modeling for distant tsunamis
KD Henry, NJ Wood, TG Frazier
Natural Hazards 85, 1665-1687, 2017
A GIS methodology to assess exposure of coastal infrastructure to storm surge & sea-level rise: a case study of Sarasota County, Florida
C Tate, T Frazier
J Geogr Nat Disasters 1, 2167-0587, 2013
Evaluating social capital in emergency and disaster management and hazards plans
A Kumari, TG Frazier
Natural Hazards 109, 949-973, 2021
Selection of scale in vulnerability and resilience assessments
TG Frazier
Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters 2 (3), 2167-0587.1000, 2012
Emergency medical services (EMS) transportation of trauma patients by geographic locations and in-hospital outcomes: experience from Qatar
H Al-Thani, A Mekkodathil, AJ Hertelendy, I Howland, T Frazier, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (8), 4016, 2021
Residual risk in public health and disaster management
TG Frazier, EX Wood, AG Peterson
Applied Geography 125, 102365, 2020
A framework for using GIS and stakeholder input to assess vulnerability to coastal hazards: a case study from Sarasota County, Florida
T Frazier, N Wood, B Yarnal
Building safer communities. Risk governance, spatial planning and responses …, 2009
Physical vulnerability
S Fuchs, T Frazier, L Siebeneck
Vulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards; Fuchs, S., Thaler, T., Eds …, 2018
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