Isaac Monroy Chora
A semi-supervised approach to fault diagnosis for chemical processes
I Monroy, R Benitez, G Escudero, M Graells
Computers & Chemical Engineering 34 (5), 631-642, 2010
Production of polyhydroxybutyrate by pure and mixed cultures of purple non-sulfur bacteria: A review
I Monroy, G Buitrón
Journal of biotechnology 317, 39-47, 2020
Fault diagnosis of a benchmark fermentation process: a comparative study of feature extraction and classification techniques
I Monroy, K Villez, M Graells, V Venkatasubramanian
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 35, 689-704, 2012
Biohydrogen production by batch indoor and outdoor photo-fermentation with an immobilized consortium: A process model with Neural Networks
I Monroy, E Guevara-López, G Buitrón
Biochemical Engineering Journal 135, 2018
A mechanistic model supported by data-based classification models for batch hydrogen production with an immobilized photo-bacteria consortium
I Monroy, E Guevara-López, G Buitrón
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (48), 22802–22811, 2016
Enhanced plant fault diagnosis based on the characterization of transient stages
I Monroy, R Benitez, G Escudero, M Graells
Computers & chemical engineering 37, 200-213, 2012
Temporary feeding shocks increase the productivity in a continuous biohydrogen-producing reactor
I Monroy, P Bakonyi, G Buitrón
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 20, 1581-1588, 2018
Dynamic process monitoring and fault detection in a batch fermentation process: comparative performance assessment between MPCA and BDPCA
I Monroy, K Villez, M Graells, V Venkatasubramanian
21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 29, 1371–1375, 2011
Anomaly detection in batch chemical processes
I Monroy, G Escudero, M Graells
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 26, 255-260, 2009
Diagnosis of undesired scenarios in hydrogen production by photo-fermentation
I Monroy, G Buitrón
Water Science and Technology 78 (8), 1652-1657, 2018
DICA enhanced SVM classification approach to fault diagnosis for chemical processes
I Monroy, R Benitez, G Escudero, M Graells
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 26, 267-272, 2009
A promising OPC-based computer system applied to fault diagnosis
J Silvente, I Monroy, G Escudero, A Espuña, M Graells
Computer aided chemical engineering 30, 892-896, 2012
An investigation on automatic systems for fault diagnosis in chemical processes
I Monroy Chora
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012
A novelty detection approach for detecting faulty batches in a photo-Fenton process
I Monroy, E Yamal, G Escudero, M Pérez-Moya, M Graells
22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 30, 972-976, 2012
Biochemical Characterization of Three Heterologous Lactic Acid Bacteria Laccases from Pediococcus, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus Genus and Their Potential …
I Monroy, I Olmeda, S Ferrer, I Pardo
Fermentation 10 (1), 32, 2023
Potencial degradador de compuestos tóxicos del vino de las lacasas CB4382-1 y CB4382-2 de Companilactobacillus bobalius
I Monroy, I López-Pérez, I Olmeda, J Pérez-Navarro, S Gómez-Alonso, ...
OTA degradation by bacterial laccases
I Monroy, I Pardo, S Ferrer, J Pérez-Navarro, S Gómez-Alonso
Ability of lactic acid bacterial laccases to degrade biogenic amines and OTA in wine
I Monroy, I Olmeda, J Pérez-Navarro, S Gómez-Alonso, S Ferrer, I Pardo
Comparison of two cloning systems for Oenococcus oeni 229M genes in E. coli and their impact on protein yield and laccase activity
I Monroy, I Olmeda, I Pardo, S Ferrer
Comparación filogenética y bioquímica de las lacasas Cb4382-1 y Cb4382-2 de Companilactobacillus bobalius
I Monroy, I Olmeda, I López-Pérez, I Pardo, S Ferrer
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