TapTap and Mag-Stick: Improving One-Handed Target Acquisition on Small Touch-screens A Roudaut, S Huot, E Lecolinet Proc. AVI’08, 146-153, 2008 | 239 | 2008 |
BiTouch and BiPad: designing bimanual interaction for hand-held tablets J Wagner, S Huot, W Mackay Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012 | 143 | 2012 |
Body-centric design space for multi-surface interaction J Wagner, M Nancel, SG Gustafson, S Huot, WE Mackay Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
SpiraClock: a continuous and non-intrusive display for upcoming events P Dragicevic, S Huot CHI'02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 604-605, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
Multisurface interaction in the wild room M Beaudouin-Lafon, S Huot, M Nancel, W Mackay, E Pietriga, R Primet, ... Computer 45 (4), 48-56, 2012 | 93 | 2012 |
Evaluating the benefits of real-time feedback in mobile augmented reality with hand-held devices C Liu, S Huot, J Diehl, W Mackay, M Beaudouin-Lafon Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012 | 81 | 2012 |
Arpège: learning multitouch chord gestures vocabularies E Ghomi, S Huot, O Bau, M Beaudouin-Lafon, WE Mackay Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive …, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
What does" Evaluation" mean for the NIME community? J Barbosa, J Malloch, MM Wanderley, S Huot NIME 2015-15th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
The MaggLite post-WIMP toolkit: draw it, connect it and run it S Huot, C Dumas, P Dragicevic, JD Fekete, G Hégron Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2004 | 61 | 2004 |
Running an HCI experiment in multiple parallel universes P Dragicevic, F Chevalier, S Huot CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 607-618, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Using rhythmic patterns as an input method E Ghomi, G Faure, S Huot, O Chapuis, M Beaudouin-Lafon Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
Wikipediaviz: Conveying article quality for casual wikipedia readers F Chevalier, S Huot, JD Fekete 2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 49-56, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Une nouvelle approche pour la conception créative: De l'interprétation du dessin à main levée au prototypage d'interactions non-standard S Huot PhD Dissertation - Université de Nantes, 2005 | 50* | 2005 |
A method and toolkit for digital musical instruments: generating ideas and prototypes F Calegario, MM Wanderley, S Huot, G Cabral, G Ramalho IEEE MultiMedia 24 (1), 63-71, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Opening polyhedral compiler's black box L Bagnères, O Zinenko, S Huot, C Bastoul Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and …, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
Gliimpse: Animating from markup code to rendered documents and vice versa P Dragicevic, S Huot, F Chevalier Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Rapid development of user interfaces on cluster-driven wall displays with jBricks E Pietriga, S Huot, M Nancel, R Primet Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Une nouvelle approche pour la conception créative: De l'interprétation du dessin à main levée au prototypage d'interactions non-standard S Huot Université de Nantes, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
Looking through the eye of the mouse: A simple method for measuring end-to-end latency using an optical mouse G Casiez, S Conversy, M Falce, S Huot, N Roussel Proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on user interface software …, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Focus+ context visualization techniques for displaying large lists with multiple points of interest on small tactile screens S Huot, E Lecolinet Proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human …, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |