Exploratory social network analysis with Pajek: Revised and expanded edition for updated software W De Nooy, A Mrvar, V Batagelj Cambridge university press, 2018 | 5020 | 2018 |
Pajek-program for large network analysis V Batagelj, A Mrvar Connections 21 (2), 47-57, 1998 | 4064* | 1998 |
A partitioning approach to structural balance P Doreian, A Mrvar Social networks 18 (2), 149-168, 1996 | 408 | 1996 |
Partitioning signed social networks P Doreian, A Mrvar Social Networks 31 (1), 1-11, 2009 | 284 | 2009 |
Analysis and visualization of large networks with program package Pajek A Mrvar, V Batagelj Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 4, 1-8, 2016 | 213 | 2016 |
Some analyses of Erdos collaboration graph V Batagelj, A Mrvar Social networks 22 (2), 173-186, 2000 | 182 | 2000 |
Pajek. V Batagelj, A Mrvar Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining, 1245-1256, 2014 | 180 | 2014 |
A subquadratic triad census algorithm for large sparse networks with small maximum degree V Batagelj, A Mrvar Social networks 23 (3), 237-243, 2001 | 156 | 2001 |
Pajek datasets (2006) V Batagelj, A Mrvar | 135 | 2009 |
Structural balance and signed international relations P Doreian, A Mrvar Journal of Social Structure 16 (1), 1-49, 2015 | 115 | 2015 |
Exploratory social network analysis with Pajek DEN Wouter, M Andrej, B Vladimir New York, 2005 | 115 | 2005 |
Partitioning approach to visualization of large graphs V Batagelj, A Mrvar, M Zaveršnik Graph Drawing: 7th International Symposium, GD’99 Štiřín Castle, Czech …, 1999 | 106 | 1999 |
Visualisation and analysis of the internet movie database A Ahmed, V Batagelj, X Fu, SH Hong, D Merrick, A Mrvar 2007 6th International Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualization, 17-24, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
Anthropology: Analyzing large kinship and marriage networks with Pgraph and Pajek DR White, V Batagelj, A Mrvar Social Science Computer Review 17 (3), 245-274, 1999 | 87 | 1999 |
Intra-organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments M Škerlavaj, V Dimovski, A Mrvar, M Pahor Interactive learning environments 18 (1), 39-63, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Generalized blockmodeling with Pajek V Batagelj, A Mrvar, A Ferligoj, P Doreian Metodoloski zvezki 1 (2), 455, 2004 | 78 | 2004 |
Pajek: Program for analysis and visualization of large networks reference manual V Batagelj, A Mrvar University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 1, 2011 | 72 | 2011 |
Partitioning large signed two-mode networks: Problems and prospects P Doreian, P Lloyd, A Mrvar Social Networks 35 (2), 178-203, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Analysis of kinship relations with Pajek V Batagelj, A Mrvar Social Science Computer Review 26 (2), 224-246, 2008 | 63 | 2008 |
Network analysis of texts V Batagelj, A Mrvar, M Zaversnik University of Ljubljana, Inst. of Math., Physics and Mechanics, Department …, 2002 | 54 | 2002 |