Honghua Dai
Honghua Dai
School of Information Technology, Deakin University
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Discovery and evaluation of aggregate usage profiles for web personalization
B Mobasher, H Dai, T Luo, M Nakagawa
Data mining and knowledge discovery 6, 61-82, 2002
Effective personalization based on association rule discovery from web usage data
B Mobasher, H Dai, T Luo, M Nakagawa
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Web information and data …, 2001
Integrating web usage and content mining for more effective personalization
B Mobasher, H Dai, T Luo, Y Sun, J Zhu
Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies: First International Conference, EC …, 2000
Learning from facial aging patterns for automatic age estimation
X Geng, ZH Zhou, Y Zhang, G Li, H Dai
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 307-316, 2006
Using sequential and non-sequential patterns in predictive web usage mining tasks
B Mobasher, H Dai, T Luo, M Nakagawa
2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 669-672, 2002
Establishing best practices and guidance in population modeling: an experience with an internal population pharmacokinetic analysis guidance
W Byon, MK Smith, P Chan, MA Tortorici, S Riley, H Dai, J Dong, ...
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 2 (7), 1-8, 2013
Improving the effectiveness of collaborative filtering on anonymous web usage data
B Mobasher, H Dai, T Luo, M Nakagawa
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web …, 2001
Using ontologies to discover domain-level web usage profiles
HK Dai, B Mobasher
Semantic Web Mining 35, 2002
Causal discovery via MML
C Wallace, KB Korb, H Dai
ICML 96, 516-524, 1996
Parameter Optimization of Kernel-based One-class Classifier on Imbalance Learning.
L Zhuang, H Dai
J. Comput. 1 (7), 32-40, 2006
Integrating semantic knowledge with web usage mining for personalization
H Dai
Web mining: Applications and techniques, 276-306, 2005
A road map to more effective web personalization: Integrating domain knowledge with web usage mining
H Dai, B Mobasher
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing 2003, 2003
A Study of Causal Discovery With Weak Links and Small Samples.
H Dai, KB Korb, CS Wallace, X Wu
IJCAI, 1304-1309, 1997
Applying both positive and negative selection to supervised learning for anomaly detection
X Hang, H Dai
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Parameter estimation of one-class SVM on imbalance text classification
L Zhuang, H Dai
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2006
Parameter optimization of kernel-based one-class classifier on imbalance text learning
L Zhuang, H Dai
Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 434-443, 2006
A maximal frequent itemset approach for web document clustering
L Zhuang, H Dai
The Fourth International Conference onComputer and Information Technology …, 2004
Two-stage cost-sensitive learning for data streams with concept drift and class imbalance
Y Sun, Y Sun, H Dai
IEEE Access 8, 191942-191955, 2020
Constructing detectors in schema complementary space for anomaly detection
X Hang, H Dai
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 275-286, 2004
An empirical study of encoding schemes and search strategies in discovering causal networks
H Dai, G Li, Y Tu
Machine Learning: ECML 2002: 13th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2002
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