Ucinet for Windows: Software for Social Network Analysis SP Borgatti | 13171 | 2002 |
Network analysis in the social sciences SP Borgatti, A Mehra, DJ Brass, G Labianca science 323 (5916), 892-895, 2009 | 5806 | 2009 |
The network paradigm in organizational research: A review and typology SP Borgatti, PC Foster Journal of management 29 (6), 991-1013, 2003 | 5321 | 2003 |
Analyzing social networks SP Borgatti, F Agneessens, JC Johnson, MG Everett SAGE publications Ltd, 2024 | 5263 | 2024 |
Centrality and network flow SP Borgatti Social networks 27 (1), 55-71, 2005 | 4991 | 2005 |
A general theory of network governance: Exchange conditions and social mechanisms C Jones, WS Hesterly, SP Borgatti Academy of management review 22 (4), 911-945, 1997 | 4491 | 1997 |
A relational view of information seeking and learning in social networks SP Borgatti, R Cross Management science 49 (4), 432-445, 2003 | 3202 | 2003 |
Models of core/periphery structures SP Borgatti, MG Everett Social networks 21 (4), 375-395, 2000 | 2881 | 2000 |
On network theory SP Borgatti, DS Halgin Organization science 22 (5), 1168-1181, 2011 | 2841 | 2011 |
A graph-theoretic perspective on centrality SP Borgatti, MG Everett Social networks 28 (4), 466-484, 2006 | 2047 | 2006 |
Identifying sets of key players in a social network SP Borgatti Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 12, 21-34, 2006 | 1556 | 2006 |
Knowing what we know: Supporting knowledge creation and sharing in social networks R Cross, A Parker, L Prusak, SP Borgatti Networks in the knowledge economy, 208-231, 2003 | 1543 | 2003 |
Centrality in valued graphs: A measure of betweenness based on network flow LC Freeman, SP Borgatti, DR White Social networks 13 (2), 141-154, 1991 | 1536 | 1991 |
Making invisible work visible: Using social network analysis to support strategic collaboration R Cross, SP Borgatti, A Parker California management review 44 (2), 25-46, 2002 | 1519 | 2002 |
Network analysis of 2-mode data SP Borgatti, MG Everett Social networks 19 (3), 243-269, 1997 | 1513 | 1997 |
NetDraw: Graph visualization software SP Borgatti Analytic Technologies, 2002 | 1353 | 2002 |
What’s different about social media networks? A framework and research agenda GC Kane, M Alavi, G Labianca, SP Borgatti MIS quarterly 38 (1), 275-304, 2014 | 1349 | 2014 |
Netdraw network visualization S Borgatti http://www. analytictech. com/netdraw/netdraw. htm, 2002 | 1216 | 2002 |
Network measures of social capital SP Borgatti, C Jones, MG Everett Connections 21 (2), 27-36, 1998 | 1120 | 1998 |
Social network theory and educational change JW Little Harvard Education Press, 2010 | 1102* | 2010 |