Jee-Hae Lim
Jee-Hae Lim
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The effect of first wave mandatory XBRL reporting across the financial information environment
JW Kim, JH Lim, WG No
Journal of Information Systems 26 (1), 127-153, 2012
Path dependence of dynamic information technology capability: An empirical investigation
JH Lim, TC Stratopoulos, TS Wirjanto
Journal of management information systems 28 (3), 45-84, 2011
Information security breaches and IT security investments: Impacts on competitors
CY Jeong, SYT Lee, JH Lim
Information & Management 56 (5), 681-695, 2019
Sustainability of a firm's reputation for information technology capability: The role of senior IT executives
JH Lim, TC Stratopoulos, TS Wirjanto
Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (1), 57-96, 2013
Role of IT executives in the firm's ability to achieve competitive advantage through IT capability
JH Lim, TC Stratopoulos, TS Wirjanto
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (1), 21-40, 2012
A meta-analysis of the effects of IT investment on firm financial performance
JH Lim, B Dehning, VJ Richardson, RE Smith
Journal of information systems 25 (2), 145-169, 2011
Internal and external influences on IT control governance
C Li, JH Lim, Q Wang
international Journal of Accounting information Systems 8 (4), 225-239, 2007
Information technology investment and firm performance: a meta-analysis
JH Lim, VJ Richardson, TL Roberts
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Does XBRL adoption constrain earnings management? Early evidence from mandated US filers
JB Kim, JW Kim, JH Lim
Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (4), 2610-2634, 2019
Using real options to investigate the market value of virtual world businesses
SB Yang, JH Lim, W Oh, A Animesh, A Pinsonneault
Information Systems Research 23 (3-part-2), 1011-1029, 2012
The impact of executives’ IT expertise on reported data security breaches
J Haislip, JH Lim, R Pinsker
Information Systems Research 32 (2), 318-334, 2021
A content analysis of auditors' reports on IT internal control weaknesses: The comparative advantages of an automated approach to control weakness identification
JE Boritz, L Hayes, JH Lim
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 14 (2), 138-163, 2013
The impact of audit firms’ characteristics on audit fees following information security breaches
JC Yen, JH Lim, T Wang, C Hsu
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 37 (6), 489-507, 2018
Can XBRL detailed tagging of footnotes improve financial analysts' information environment?
AJ Felo, JW Kim, JH Lim
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 28, 45-58, 2018
IT innovation persistence: An oxymoron?
TC Stratopoulos, JH Lim
Communications of the ACM 53 (5), 142-146, 2010
XBRL adoption and bank loan contracting: Early evidence
G Chen, JB Kim, JH Lim, J Zhou
Journal of Information Systems 32 (2), 47-69, 2018
IT control weaknesses, IT governance and firm performance
JE Boritz, JH Lim
IT Governance and Firm Performance (January 11, 2008).(CAAA) 2008 Annual …, 2008
Impact of top management's IT knowledge and IT governance mechanisms on financial performance
E Boritz, JH Lim
ICIS 2007 Proceedings, 88, 2007
The effect of internal control deficiencies on the usefulness of earnings in executive compensation
KE Brown, JH Lim
Advances in Accounting 28 (1), 75-87, 2012
The impact of performance-based CEO and CFO compensation on internal control quality
R Jha, K Kobelsky, JH Lim
Available at SSRN 1326176, 2010
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