Guliyev Ibrahim
Guliyev Ibrahim
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
在 science.az 的电子邮件经过验证
GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions
R Reilinger, S McClusky, P Vernant, S Lawrence, S Ergintav, R Cakmak, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B5), 2006
All about mud volcanoes
IS Guliyev, AA Feizullayev, RD Jevanshir
Geology Institute, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, 1996
When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan
A Mazzini, H Svensen, S Planke, I Guliyev, GG Akhmanov, T Fallik, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (9), 1704-1715, 2009
Implications of outcrop geology for reservoirs in the Neogene Productive Series: Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan
AD Reynolds, MD Simmons, MBJ Bowman, J Henton, AC Brayshaw, ...
AAPG bulletin 82 (1), 25-49, 1998
Deep petroleum occurrences in the Lower Kura Depression, South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan: an organic geochemical and basin modeling study
S Inan, MN Yalçina, IS Guliev, K Kuliev, AA Feizullayev
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 731–762, 1997
Generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons at great depths under the earth's crust
IS Guliyev, VY Kerimov, AV Osipov, RN Mustaev
Socar Proceedings, 4-16, 2017
Source potential of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil accumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs
AA Feyzullayev, IS Guliyev, MF Tagiyev
Petroleum Geoscience 7 (4), 409-417, 2001
Kinematics of the eastern Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan
MNT Fakhraddin Kadirov, Michael Floyd, Akif Alizadeh, Ibrahim Guliev, Robert ...
Natural hazards 63 (2), 997-1006, 2012
Geochemistry of hydrocarbon seepages in Azerbaijan IS Guliev, AA Feizullayev
IS Guliev, AA Feizullayev
AAPG Special Volumes 32, 63-70, 1996
The estimation of the generation potential of the low permeable shale strata of the maikop caucasian series
IS Guliyev, VY Kerimov, RN Mustaev, AV Bondarev
Socar Proceedings, 4-20, 2018
Geosciences of Azerbaijan
AA Alizadeh, IS ogly Guliyev, FA Kadirov, LV Eppelbaum
Springer 1, 237, 2016
Mud volcanic natural phenomena in the South Caspian Basin: geology, fluid dynamics and environmental impact
DA Huseynov, IS Guliyev
Environmental geology 46, 1012-1023, 2004
Active geodynamics of the Caucasus region: implications for earthquake hazards in Azerbaijan
FA Kadirov, M Floyd, R Reilinger, AA Alizadeh, IS Guliyev, ...
Proceedings of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, The Sciences of …, 2015
Long-term in situ monitoring at Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan: a link between seismicity, pore-pressure transients and methane emission
A Kopf, G Delisle, E Faber, B Panahi, CS Aliyev, I Guliyev
International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 227-240, 2010
Hydrocarbon systems of the South Caspian basin
MFT IS Guliyev, PZ Mamedov, AA Feyzullayev, DA Huseynov, FA Kadirov, EH Aliyeva
Nafta-Press, Baku, 2003
Hydrocarbon potential of great depths
IS Guliyev, VU Kerimov, AV Osipov
Нефть, газ и бизнес, 9-16, 2011
Subsidence history and basin-fill evolution in the South Caspian Basin from geophysical mapping, flexural backstripping, forward lithospheric modelling and gravity modelling
NA Abdullayev, F Kadirov, IS Guliyev
Atlas of the world mud volcanoes
AA ogly Aliyev, IS ogly Guliyev, FH Dadashov, RR ogly Rakhmanov
Publishing house" Nafta-Press", 2015
Geosciences of Azerbaijan: Volume II: Economic Geology and Applied Geophysics
AA Alizadeh, IS Guliyev, FA Kadirov, LV Eppelbaum
Springer, 2016
Catalogue of Recorded Eruptions of Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan (for Period of Years 1810-2001)
AA ogly Aliyev, IS ogly Guliyev, IS Belov
Nafta-Press, 2002
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