Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands FT Maestre, JL Quero, NJ Gotelli, A Escudero, V Ochoa, ... Science 335 (6065), 214-218, 2012 | 1372 | 2012 |
El Niño effects on the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems M Holmgren, M Scheffer, E Ezcurra, JR Gutiérrez, GMJ Mohren Trends in Ecology & Evolution 16 (2), 89-94, 2001 | 618 | 2001 |
Extreme climatic events shape arid and semiarid ecosystems M Holmgren, P Stapp, CR Dickman, C Gracia, S Graham, JR Gutiérrez, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (2), 87-95, 2006 | 547 | 2006 |
The ‘‘ups’’and ‘‘downs’’of a semiarid system in north-central Chile: 13 years of alternating ‘‘top-down’’and ‘‘bottom-up’’control PL Meserve, DA Kelt, WB Milstead, JR Gutiérrez BioScience 53, 633-646, 2003 | 345* | 2003 |
JR GUTIÉRREZ (2003) Thirteen years of shifting top-down and bottom-up control PL Meserve, DA Kelt, WB Milstead BioScience 53, 633-646, 0 | 344* | |
A long-term study of vertebrate predator responses to an El Niño (ENSO) disturbance in western South America FM Jaksic, SI Silva, PL Meserve, JR Gutierrez Oikos, 341-354, 1997 | 251 | 1997 |
Chihuahuan desert annuals: importance of water and nitrogen JR Gutierrez, WG Whitford Ecology 68 (6), 2032-2045, 1987 | 246 | 1987 |
Population dynamics of two sympatric rodents in a variable environment: rainfall, resource availability, and predation MA Previtali, M Lima, PL Meserve, DA Kelt, JR Gutiérrez Ecology 90 (7), 1996-2006, 2009 | 188 | 2009 |
Effects of predation risk on space use by small mammals: a field experiment with a Neotropical rodent VO Lagos, LC Contreras, PL Meserve, JR Gutierrez, FM Jaksic Oikos, 259-264, 1995 | 184 | 1995 |
y Jaksic, FM (1995). Effects of predation risk on space use by small mamals, a field experiment with a Neotropical rodent VO Lagos, LC Contreras, PL Meserve, JR Gutiérrez Oikos 74, 259-264, 0 | 184* | |
Heterogeneous responses of small mammals to an El Niño Southern Oscillation event in northcentral semiarid Chile and the importance of ecological scale PL Meserve, JA Yunger, JR Gutiérrez, LC Contreras, WB Milstead, ... Journal of Mammalogy, 580-595, 1995 | 181 | 1995 |
Heterogeneous responses of small mammals to an El Niño (ENSO) event in nor-central semiarid Chile and the importance of ecological scale PL Meserve, JA Yunger, JR Gutiérrez, LC Contreras, WB Milstead, ... J. Mammal 76, 580-595, 1995 | 181* | 1995 |
V. 0. Lagos, SI Silva, EL Tabilo, MA Torrealba, and E M. Jaksic. 1995. Heterogeneous responses of small mammals to an El Ninio event in north-central semiarid Chile and the … PL Meserve, JA Yunger, J Gutierrez, LC Contreras, WB Milstead, BK Lang, ... Journal of Mammalogy76, 580-595, 0 | 181* | |
Spatial distribution of soil nutrients and ephemeral plants underneath and outside the canopy of Porlieria chilensis shrubs (Zygophyllaceae) in arid coastal Chile JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve, LC Contreas, H Vásquez, FM Jaksic Oecologia 95 (3), 347-352, 1993 | 178 | 1993 |
Variation in vegetation and seed bank in a Chilean semi‐arid community affected by ENSO 1997 JR Gutiérrez, G Arancio, FM Jaksic Journal of Vegetation Science 11 (5), 641-648, 2000 | 147 | 2000 |
Los ecosistemas del desierto de Atacama y área andina adyacente en el norte de Chile PA Marquet, F Bozinovic, GA Bradshaw, C Cornelius, H González, ... Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 71, 593-617, 1998 | 139 | 1998 |
Effects of small mammals and vertebrate predators on vegetation in the Chilean semiarid zone JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve, S Herrera, LC Contreras, FM Jaksic Oecologia 109 (3), 398-406, 1997 | 135 | 1997 |
Herbivory and plant growth rate determine the success of El Niño Southern Oscillation‐driven tree establishment in semiarid South America M Holmgren, BC López, JR Gutiérrez, FA Squeo Global Change Biology 12 (12), 2263-2271, 2006 | 124 | 2006 |
Variation in soil micro-organisms and nutrients underneath and outside the canopy of Adesmia bedwellii (Papilionaceae) shrubs in arid coastal Chile following drought and above … LE Aguilera, JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve Journal of Arid Environments 42 (1), 61-70, 1999 | 118 | 1999 |
Guti! errez, JR, Yunger, JA, Contreras, LC, and Jaksic, FM 1996. Role of biotic interactions in a small mammal assemblage in semiarid Chile PL Meserve Ecology 77, 133-148, 0 | 117* | |