Irena Izdebska-Szanda
Irena Izdebska-Szanda
在 iod.krakow.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
New generation of ecological silicate binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, A Balinski
Procedia Engineering 10, 887-893, 2011
Technological and ecological studies of moulding sands with new inorganic binders for casting of non-ferrous metal alloys
I Izdebska-Szanda, M Szanda, S Matuszewski
Archives of foundry Engineering 11 (1), 43-48, 2011
Investigating of the knocking out properties of moulding sands with new inorganic binders used for castings of non-ferrous metal alloys in comparison with the previously used
I Izdebska-Szanda, M Angrecki, S Matuszewski
Archives of foundry Engineering 12 (2s), 117-120, 2012
Application of geopolimer binder in manufacturing of casting from ferrous alloys
F Pezarski, E Smoluchowska, I Izdebska-Szanda
The Transactions of the Foundry Research Institute 2, 19-34, 2008
Investigating the kinetics of the binding process in moulding sands using new, environment-friendly, inorganic binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, F Pezarski, E Smoluchowska
Achieves of Foundry Engineering 8 (2), 61-66, 2006
Moulding sand with silicate binder characterized by beneficial technological and ecological properties
I Izdebska-Szanda
Doctor's Thesis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Poznań …, 2009
Investigations of a correlation between the type and amount of modifier, high-temperature transformations and residual strength of sands with modified sodium silicates
I Izdebska-Szanda
Transaction of Foundry Research Institute, 49-64, 2008
Wpływ morfoaktywnych modyfikatorów uwodnionego krzemianu sodu na przemiany temperaturowe zachodzące w masach formierskich z tym spoiwem
A Baliński, I Izdebska-Szanda
Archiwum Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji 24 (1 sp), 19-30, 2004
Evaluation of reclamability of molding sands with new inorganic binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, A Baliński, M Angrecki
Archives of foundry Engineering 12 (2), 35-40, 2012
Innowacyjna technologia produkcji bentonitu odlewniczego z wykorzystaniem wyselekcjonowanych frakcji powstających przy wytwarzaniu sorbentów
F Pezarski, A Palma, I Izdebska-Szanda
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa 13, 2011
Effect of additives promoting the formation of lustrous carbon on the knocking out properties of foundry sands with new inorganic binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, Z Stefański, F Pezarski, M Szolc
Archives of Foundry Engineering 9 (1), 17-20, 2009
Effect of morphoactive modifiers of hydrated sodium silicate on temperature transformations taking place in moulding sands prepared with this binder
A Baliński, I Izdebska-Szanda
Archives of Mechanical Technology and Automation 24, 19-29, 2004
The effect of nanostructure modification on the silicate binder on its binding characteristics and functional properties
I Izdebska-Szanda, A Baliński, M Angrecki, A Palma
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 59 (3), 1033--1036, 2014
Recycling of waste moulding sands with new binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, M Angrecki, A Palma
Archives of Foundry Engineering 13 (2), 43--48, 2013
Attempts at utilization of the used moulding and core sands in manufacture of building ceramics
F Pezarski, Z Maniowski, A Baliński, I Izdebska-Szanda, E Smoluchowska
I International Conference „Modern Foundry Technologies–Environmental …, 1995
An innovative method for the dehydration hardening of modified inorganic binders
I Izdebska-Szanda, J Kamińska, M Angrecki, A Palma, W Madej
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 61, 2016
Application of design projects developed by Foundry Research Institute in Krakow in construction of integrated stand for processing and reclamation of moulding sands
I Izdebska-Szanda, F Pezarski, K Stępniewski
Archives of Foundry Engineering 8 (1), 133-138, 2008
Environmentally friendly mould technology
I Izdebska-Szanda, A Palma, M Angrecki, M Żmudzińska
Archives of Foundry Engineering 13 (3), 37--42, 2013
The use of geopolymeric binder for production of iron alloy casting
F Pezarski, E Smoluchowska, I Izdebska-Szanda
The Works Foundry Research Institute in Cracow 48 (2), 19-34, 2008
The study of correlation between the type and amount of modifier and high-temperature transformation sand residual strength of the masses with the modified sodium silicate
I Izdebska-Szanda
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa 48, 2008
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