Christian Hofer
Christian Hofer
在 walton.uark.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Lean, leaner, too lean? The inventory-performance link revisited
C Eroglu, C Hofer
Journal of operations management 29 (4), 356-369, 2011
The effect of lean production on financial performance: The mediating role of inventory leanness
C Hofer, C Eroglu, AR Hofer
International Journal of Production Economics 138 (2), 242-253, 2012
The competitive determinants of a firm's environmental management activities: Evidence from US manufacturing industries
C Hofer, DE Cantor, J Dai
Journal of Operations Management 30 (1-2), 69-84, 2012
Price premiums and low cost carrier competition
C Hofer, RJ Windle, ME Dresner
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (5 …, 2008
The effect of environmental dynamism on returns to inventory leanness
C Eroglu, C Hofer
Journal of Operations Management 32 (6), 347-356, 2014
The environmental effects of airline carbon emissions taxation in the US
C Hofer, ME Dresner, RJ Windle
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 15 (1), 37-45, 2010
The impact of key retail accounts on supplier performance: A collaborative perspective of resource dependency theory
C Hofer, H Jin, RD Swanson, MA Waller, BD Williams
Journal of Retailing 88 (3), 412-420, 2012
An institutional theoretic perspective on forces driving adoption of lean production globally: China vis-à-vis the USA
A Rossiter Hofer, C Hofer, C Eroglu, MA Waller
The International Journal of Logistics Management 22 (2), 148-178, 2011
Inventory types and firm performance: Vector autoregressive and vector error correction models
C Eroglu, C Hofer
Journal of Business Logistics 32 (3), 227-239, 2011
Drivers of retail on-shelf availability: Systematic review, critical assessment, and reflections on the road ahead
I Moussaoui, BD Williams, C Hofer, JA Aloysius, MA Waller
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 46 (5 …, 2016
Consumers care and firms should too: On the benefits of disclosing supplier monitoring activities
Y Duan, C Hofer, JA Aloysius
Journal of Operations Management 67 (3), 360-381, 2021
The impact of airline financial distress on US air fares: A contingency approach
C Hofer, ME Dresner, RJ Windle
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 45 (1 …, 2009
What gets suppliers to play and who gets the pay? On the antecedents and outcomes of collaboration in retailer-supplier dyads
A Rossiter Hofer, C Hofer, M A. Waller
The International Journal of Logistics Management 25 (2), 226-244, 2014
The impact of Gulf carrier competition on US airlines
M Dresner, C Eroglu, C Hofer, F Mendez, K Tan
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 79, 31-41, 2015
Financial distress and US airline fares
C Hofer, M Dresner, R Windle
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 39 (3), 323-340, 2005
Content analysis in SCM research: past uses and future research opportunities
S Mir, SH Lu, D Cantor, C Hofer
The International Journal of Logistics Management 29 (1), 152-190, 2018
Financial condition, safety investment and accident propensity in the US airline industry: A structural analysis
Z Wang, C Hofer, ME Dresner
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 49 (1 …, 2013
Sweating the assets: Asset leanness and financial performance in the motor carrier industry
AM Fawcett, YH Jin, C Hofer, MA Waller, V Brazhkin
Journal of Business Logistics 37 (1), 43-58, 2016
Environmental management rivalry and firm performance
A Kumar, DE Cantor, CM Grimm, C Hofer
Journal of Strategy and Management 10 (2), 227-247, 2017
Supplier inventory leanness and financial performance
JM Barker, C Hofer, K Hoberg, C Eroglu
Journal of Operations Management 68 (4), 385-407, 2022
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