Moving beyond binary opposition: Exploring the tapestry of gender in consumer research and marketing S Bettany, S Dobscha, L O'Malley, A Prothero Marketing Theory 10 (1), 3-28, 2010 | 159 | 2010 |
Children's influence strategies in practice: Exploring the co-constructed nature of the child influence process in family consumption B Kerrane, MK Hogg, SM Bettany Journal of Marketing Management 28 (7-8), 809-835, 2012 | 116 | 2012 |
Working the limits of method: the possibilities of critical reflexive practice in marketing and consumer research SBH Woodruffe-Burton Journal of Marketing Management 25 (7-8), 661-679, 2009 | 105* | 2009 |
The (post‐human) consumer, the (post‐avian) chicken and the (post‐object) Eglu: Towards a material‐semiotics of anti‐consumption S Bettany, B Kerrane European Journal of Marketing 45 (11/12), 1746-1756, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
The material semiotics of consumption or where (and what) are the objects in consumer culture theory? S Bettany Consumer culture theory, 41-56, 2007 | 98 | 2007 |
The material-semiotics of fatherhood: The co-emergence of technology and contemporary fatherhood SM Bettany, B Kerrane, MK Hogg Journal of Business Research 67 (7), 1544-1551, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Figuring companion-species consumption: A multi-site ethnography of the post-canine Afghan hound S Bettany, R Daly Journal of Business Research 61 (5), 408-418, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Siblings as socialization agents: exploring the role of ‘sibship’in the consumer socialization of children B Kerrane, SM Bettany, K Kerrane European Journal of Marketing 49 (5/6), 713-735, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Disney discourses of self and other: Animality, primitivity, modernity, and postmodernity S Bettany, R W. Belk Consumption Markets & Culture 14 (2), 163-176, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
The socio-materiality of parental style: negotiating the multiple affordances of parenting and child welfare within the new child surveillance technology market SM Bettany, B Kerrane European Journal of Marketing 50 (11), 2041-2066, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Mapping industrial marketing knowledge: a study of an IMP conference G Easton, J Zolkiewski, S Bettany Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 18 (6/7), 529-544, 2003 | 35* | 2003 |
A commentary: Where (and what) is the critical in consumer-oriented actor-network theory? S Bettany Assembling consumption, 187-197, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Steps towards transformative consumer research practice: A taxonomy of possible reflexivities S Bettany, HW Burton ACR North American Advances, 2006 | 24* | 2006 |
Revisiting contemporary issues in family consumption B Kerrane, SM Bettany, MK Hogg Journal of Marketing Management 30 (15-16), 1527-1532, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
10 GENDER (S), CONSUMPTION, AND MARKETS LM Visconti, P Maclaran, S Bettany Consumer Culture Theory, 2023 | 18* | 2023 |
The politics of in/appropriate/d others: moving beyond the vulnerable consumer in the LGBT market/movement D Rowe, S Rowe Macromarketing Conference, 2015 | 16* | 2015 |
Stigmas that matter: Diffracting marketing stigma theoretics S Bettany, J Coffin, C Eichert, D Rowe Marketing Theory 22 (4), 501-518, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Shifting the discourse: feminist perspectives on consumer behaviour research MK Hogg, S Bettany, G Long Marketing and Feminism, 112-128, 2013 | 15 | 2013 |
Doing marketing differently: an artnography of cathartic consumption in trauma S Bettany Journal of Marketing Management 38 (15-16), 1851-1872, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Figuring the pecking order: Emerging child food preferences when species meet in the family environment SM Bettany, B Kerrane European Journal of Marketing 52 (12), 2334-2355, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |