Alphonse SINGBO
Lowland farming system inefficiency in Benin (West Africa): directional distance function and truncated bootstrap approach
AG Singbo, AO Lansink
Food Security 2, 367-382, 2010
Spatial dependency and technical efficiency: an application of a Bayesian stochastic frontier model to irrigated and rainfed rice farmers in Bohol, Philippines
VO Pede, FJ Areal, A Singbo, J McKinley, K Kajisa
Agricultural economics 49 (3), 301-312, 2018
Estimating shadow prices and efficiency analysis of productive inputs and pesticide use of vegetable production
AG Singbo, AO Lansink, G Emvalomatis
European Journal of Operational Research 245 (1), 265-272, 2015
Scale economies, technical efficiency, and the sources of total factor productivity growth of Quebec dairy farms
A Singbo, B Larue
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2016
Estimating farmers’ productive and marketing inefficiency: an application to vegetable producers in Benin
AG Singbo, A Oude Lansink, G Emvalomatis
Journal of Productivity Analysis 42, 157-169, 2014
Impact de l’importation du riz sur la compétitivité et la rentabilité de la production nationale au Bénin
PY Adégbola, A Singbo
Communication à l’atelier régional de l’ADRAO sur le thème:“Politique et …, 2005
Caractéristiques du système d’élevage porcin au Sud-Est du Bénin
MF Houndonougbo, S Adjolohoun, BA Aboh, A Singbo, ...
Bulletin de la Recherche Agronomique du Bénin (BRAB), 15-21, 2012
Examining the gender productivity gap among farm households in Mali
A Singbo, E Njuguna-Mungai, JO Yila, K Sissoko, R Tabo
Journal of African Economies 30 (3), 251-284, 2021
Etude de la compétitivité de la riziculture béninoise
PY Adegbola, E Sodjinou, A Singbo
Rapport définitif, PAPA/INRAB et ADRAO. Cotonou Bénin, 2003
Risk aversion and willingness to pay for water quality: The case of non-farm rural residents
B Larue, GE West, A Singbo, LD Tamini
Journal of environmental management 197, 296-304, 2017
Market participation and technology adoption: An application of a triple-hurdle model approach to improved sorghum varieties in Mali
A Singbo, F Badolo, J Lokossou, H Affognon
Scientific African 13, e00859, 2021
Production rigidity, input lumpiness, efficiency, and the technological hurdle of Quebec dairy farms
B Larue, A Singbo, S Pouliot
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2017
Compétitivité de la filière riz du Bénin dans l’économie internationale, PAPA/INRAB, Porto-Novo
PY Adégbola, AG Singbo
Communication de la 24ème session du Conseil des Ministres de l’ADRAO tenue …, 2003
Welfare impacts of improved groundnut varieties adoption and food security implications in the semi-arid areas of West Africa
JC Lokossou, HD Affognon, A Singbo, MB Vabi, A Ogunbayo, P Tanzubil, ...
Food Security 14 (3), 709-728, 2022
Analyse socio-économique de la filière des biopesticides en cultures maraîchères au Bénin
YP Adégbola, AG Singbo
PAPA/INRAB and IITA-Cotonou, Benin, 2001
Facteurs socio-économiques déterminant la lutte contre les ravageurs des légumes en zones urbaines au Sud Bénin
A Singbo, T Nouhoeflin, F Assogba-Komlan
Parrot L (éd.), Agricultures et développement urbain en Afrique …, 2008
Etude du système de commercialisation des noix d’anacarde dans le département des collines au Bénin
AG Singbo, DA Savi, E Sodjinou
Programme d’Analyse de la Politique Agricole (PAPA), Rapport technique final, 61, 2004
Willingness to pay for BMP-induced water quality benefits and deviations around expected water quality outcomes
B Larue, GE West, LD Tamini, A Singbo, J Dangbedji
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques …, 2014
Assessing the impact of crop specialization on farms’ performance in vegetables farming in Benin: a non-neutral stochastic frontier approach
AG Singbo, G Emvalomatis, OL Alfons
Analyzing efficiency of vegetable production in Benin
A Singbo
PQDT-Global, 2012
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