quickpsy: An R Package to Fit Psychometric Functions for Multiple Groups D Linares, J López-Moliner The R Journal, 2015 | 224 | 2015 |
The stability of structural measures derived from repertory grids G Feixas, JL Moliner, JN Montes, MT Mari, RA Neimeyer International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology 5 (1), 25-39, 1992 | 122 | 1992 |
The effects of visuomotor calibration to the perceived space and body, through embodiment in immersive virtual reality E Kokkinara, M Slater, J López-Moliner ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 13 (1), 1-22, 2015 | 98 | 2015 |
Gravity as a strong prior: implications for perception and action B Jörges, J López-Moliner Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11, 259425, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
Modes of executive control in sequence learning: from stimulus-based to plan-based control. E Tubau, B Hommel, J López-Moliner Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 136 (1), 43, 2007 | 84 | 2007 |
The sense of body ownership relaxes temporal constraints for multisensory integration A Maselli, K Kilteni, J López-Moliner, M Slater Scientific reports 6 (1), 30628, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Interceptive timing: Prior knowledge matters J López-Moliner, DT Field, JP Wann Journal of Vision 7 (13), 11-11, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
Catching a gently thrown ball J López-Moliner, E Brenner, S Louw, JBJ Smeets Experimental brain research 206 (4), 409-417, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
The role of differential delays in integrating transient visual and proprioceptive information BD Cameron, C de la Malla, J López-Moliner Frontiers in Psychology 5, 50, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Decoupling sensory from decisional choice biases in perceptual decision making D Linares, D Aguilar-Lleyda, J López-Moliner Elife 8, e43994, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Predictive plus online visual information optimizes temporal precision in interception. C de la Malla, J López-Moliner Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 41 (5 …, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
The flash-lag effect is reduced when the flash is perceived as a sensory consequence of our action J Lopez-Moliner, D Linares Vision Research 46 (13), 2122-2129, 2006 | 38 | 2006 |
Spatial interference and response control in sequence learning: the role of explicit knowledge E Tubau, J López-Moliner Psychological research 68 (1), 55-63, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Dealing with delays does not transfer across sensorimotor tasks C de la Malla, J López-Moliner, E Brenner Journal of vision 14 (12), 8-8, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Perceptual asynchrony between color and motion with a single direction change D Linares, J Lopez-Moliner Journal of Vision 6 (9), 10-10, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
Speed of response initiation in a time-to-contact discrimination task reflects the use of< i> η</i> J López-Moliner, C Bonnet Vision research 42 (21), 2419-2430, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
Determining whether a ball will land behind or in front of you: Not just a combination of expansion and angular velocity AM Brouwer, J López-Moliner, E Brenner, JBJ Smeets Vision research 46 (3), 382-391, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
Sound-driven enhancement of vision: disentangling detection-level from decision-level contributions A Pérez-Bellido, S Soto-Faraco, J López-Moliner Journal of Neurophysiology 109 (4), 1065-1077, 2013 | 31 | 2013 |
Effects of texture and shape on perceived time to passage: Knowing “what” influences judging “when” J López-Moliner, E Brenner, JBJ Smeets Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 69 (6), 887-894, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Microstructure of the superior longitudinal fasciculus predicts stimulation-induced interference with on-line motor control B Rodriguez-Herreros, JL Amengual, A Gurtubay-Antolin, L Richter, ... Neuroimage 120, 254-265, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |