Arthur Blouin
Arthur Blouin
Fugro France SA
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Sediment damage caused by gas exsolution: A key mechanism for mud volcano formation
A Blouin, N Sultan, JP Callot, P Imbert
Engineering Geology 263, 105313, 2019
Evolution Model for the Absheron Mud Volcano: From In Situ Observations to Numerical Modeling
A Blouin, P Imbert, N Sultan, JP Callot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (3), 766-794, 2019
Mud volcano growth by radial expansion: Examples from onshore Azerbaijan
F Odonne, P Imbert, M Dupuis, AA Aliyev, OR Abbasov, EE Baloglanov, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 112, 104051, 2020
Evolution model for the Absheron Mud Volcano: from stratified sediments to fluid mud generation
A Blouin, N Sultan, A Pierron, P Imbert, JP Callot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (12), e2020JF005623, 2020
Mud generation from stratified sediments in a context of mud volcanism: the role of gas
A Blouin
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2019
Formation de boue à partir de sédiments stratifiés dans un contexte de volcanisme de boue: le rôle du gaz
A Blouin
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, 2019
Génération de boue à partir de sédiments stratifiés dans un contexte de volcanisme de boue
A Blouin
Génération de boue à partir de sédiments stratifiés dans un contexte de volcanisme de boue: le rôle du gaz
A Blouin
Pau, 2019
Evolutive models for the Absheron mud volcanoes: insight from 3D seismic data, well data and sediment analysis.
A Blouin, P Imbert, N Sultan, JP Callot, M Dupuis
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14181, 2018
Gas-bearing sediments response to earthquakes: insights from continuous pore pressure readings on a mud volcano near the Main Marmara Fault, Western Turkey
S Murphy, S Garziglia, N Sultan, A Blouin, E Batsi, JB Tary, N Mera Özel, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10154, 2018
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