Serli Hatul Hidayat
Serli Hatul Hidayat
在 student.unhas.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
The use of colour indicator as a smart packaging system for evaluating mangoes Arummanis (Mangifera indica L. var. Arummanisa) freshness
A Dirpan, R Latief, A Syarifuddin, ANF Rahman, RP Putra, SH Hidayat
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 157, 012031, 2018
Sensitivity determination of indicator paper as smart packaging elements in monitoring meat freshness in cold temperature
SH Hidayat, A Dirpan, Adiansyah, M Djalal, ANF Rahman, AF Ainani
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 343 (1), 012076, 2019
Effect of elderly senny to elderly fitness
P Riyanto, J Lahinda, AI Nugroho, SH Hidayat
Enfermería Clínica 30, 67-70, 2020
Trends over the last 25 years and future research into smart packaging for food: A review
A Dirpan, SH Hidayat, M Djalal, AF Ainani, DS Yolanda, M Khosuma, ...
Future Foods, 100252, 2023
The potential combination of smart and active packaging in one packaging system in improving and maintaining the quality of fish
DS Yolanda, A Dirpan, ANF Rahman, M Djalal, SH Hidayat
Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal, 74-86, 2020
Developing of an educative comic on the theme of clean and healthy life for grade 2 students of the elementary schools of YPPK Biankuk Merauke
D Harmawati, N Hasanah, SM Belwawin, SH Hidayat
Enfermería Clínica 30, 371-373, 2020
Comparing euclidean distance and nearest neighbor algorithm in an expert system for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
R Zubaedah, F Xaverius, H Jayawardana, SH Hidayat
Enfermeria clinica 30, 374-377, 2020
Quality and Shelf-Life Evaluation of Fresh Beef Stored in Smart Packaging
A Dirpan, SH Hidayat
Foods 12 (2), 396, 2023
Effectiveness of physical condition training on the fitness of drug abuse victims, BRSPP Yogyakarta
AI Nugroho, P Riyanto, J Lahinda, SH Hidayat
Enfermería Clínica 30, 63-66, 2020
Does the presence of praziquantel-related adverse events affect the health community's perception toward the mass chemopreventive program in the highest prevalence area of …
ASD Putri, TV Diana, R Daris, F Afriana, SH Hidayat
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S487-S490, 2021
Adiansyah; Djalal, M.; Rahman, ANF; Ainani, AF Sensitivity determination of indicator paper as smart packaging elements in monitoring meat freshness in cold temperature. IOP Conf
SH Hidayat, A Dirpan
Ser. Earth Environ. Sci 343, 012076, 2019
The potential combination of smart and active packaging in one packaging system in improving and maintaining the quality of fish
H Hidayat
Glucose syrup clarification with a different form of activated charcoal
M Djalal, F Bastian, SH Hidayat, A Laga
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (1), 012073, 2019
Eco-friendly for product design: A literature review
DAW Sintowoko, S Hidayat
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 905 (1), 012023, 2021
Analysis of the effectiveness of active paper use by adding garlic extract in inhibiting bacterial growth
SH Hidayat, A Syarifuddin, A Dirpan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 575 (1), 012010, 2020
Utilization of shrimp shell as a substitute ingredient in mineral and protein enrichment of tempeh steak product
M Djalal, N Fathanah, SH Hidayat, AF Ainani, DS Yolanda, ANF Suriadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1230 (1), 012178, 2023
Optimization of mangrove forest utilization: Similarities to improve the society economy of Kampung Onggaya Papua
DPA Wulan, A Arifudin, SHH Nurwijayanti
Rigeo 11 (5), 2021
Collaboration of Government Policies and the Marind Tribe Communities on Mangrove Resources Management in the Payum Coastal Area of Merauke Regency in Papua
A Amir, HJ Hiskya, R Uspayanti, SH Hidayat
Review of International Geographical Education Online 11 (5), 280-286, 2021
Public Policy Analysis on Plastic Waste Control in Merauke
NB Sumanik, W Meilvidiri, L Siregar, SH Hidayat
Review of International Geographical Education Online 11 (5), 303-310, 2021
Studi Pembuatan Keju Kelapa
NK Sukendar, A Syarifuddin, M Djalal, AY Chadijah, SH Hidayat
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Hasil Perkebunan 1 (1), 152-158, 2019
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