Matilda Hellman
Matilda Hellman
Professor, Uppsala University
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Setting limits: gambling, science and public policy—summary of results
P Sulkunen, TF Babor, J Cisneros Örnberg, M Egerer, M Hellman, ...
Addiction 116 (1), 32-40, 2021
Is there such a thing as online video game addiction? A cross-disciplinary review
M Hellman, TM Schoenmakers, BR Nordstrom, RJ Van Holst
Addiction Research & Theory 21 (2), 102-112, 2013
Addiction: Not just brain malfunction
D Heim
Nature 507 (7490), 2014
Gambling participation, gambling habits, gambling-related harm, and opinions on gambling advertising in Finland in 2016
AH Salonen, M Hellman, T Latvala, S Castrén
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 35 (3), 215-234, 2018
The new governance of addictive substances and behaviours
P Anderson
Oxford University Press, 2017
Role of two sequence motifs of mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor in its survival-promoting activity
K Mätlik, L Yu, A Eesmaa, M Hellman, P Lindholm, J Peränen, E Galli, ...
Cell death & disease 6 (12), e2032-e2032, 2015
Addiction: The dance between concept and terms
R Room, M Hellman, K Stenius
International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research 4 (1), 27-35, 2015
Declaring, shepherding, managing: The welfare state ethos in Finnish government programmes, 1950-2015
CME Hellman, M Monni, AM Alanko
Research on Finnish society 10 (1), 9-22, 2017
From criminals to celebrities: Perceptions of “the addict” in the print press from four European countries from nineties to today
F Beccaria, S Rolando, M Hellman, M Bujalski, P Lemmens
Substance use & misuse 50 (4), 439-453, 2015
Compromising the public good? Civil society as beneficiary of gambling revenue
MD Egerer, V Kankainen, M Hellman
Journal of Civil Society 14 (3), 207-221, 2018
Concepts of addictive substances and behaviours across time and place
M Hellman, V Berridge, K Duke, A Mold
Oxford University Press, 2016
From myth of marginality to portrayals of an addictive society: Reporting on addictions in the Finnish press (1968–2006)
M Hellman
Addiction Research & Theory 18 (2), 224-242, 2010
Regulating alcohol marketing on social media: Outcomes and limitations of marketing restrictions of Finland’s 2015 Alcohol Act
A Katainen, E Kauppila, J Svensson, M Lindeman, M Hellman
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (1), 39-46, 2020
What’s the story on addiction? Popular myths in the USA and Finland
M Hellman, R Room
Critical Public Health 25 (5), 582-598, 2015
National Market Protectionist Gambling Policies in the European Union: The Finnish Gambling Monopoly Merger as a Case in Point.
J Selin, M Hellman, T Lerkkanen
Journal of Gambling Issues 41, 2019
What causes addiction problems? Environmental, biological and constitutional explanations in press portrayals from four European welfare societies
M Hellman, M Majamäki, S Rolando, M Bujalski, P Lemmens
Substance Use & Misuse 50 (4), 419-438, 2015
Interpretations of individualistic and collectivistic drinking messages in beer commercials by teenagers from five European countries
M Hellman, JF Gosselt, M Pietruszka, S Rolando, S Rossetti, J Wothge
Cross-Cultural Communication 6 (4), 29-46, 2010
“When sense of time disappears”—Or does it? Online video gamers’ time management and time apprehension
M Majamäki, M Hellman
Time & Society 25 (2), 355-373, 2016
A bottle of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of whiskey? Can the rate of alcohol-induced harm be affected by altering the population's beverage choices?
P Mäkelä, M Hellman, WC Kerr, R Room
Contemporary Drug Problems 38 (4), 599-619, 2011
Designation practices and perceptions of addiction–a diachronic analysis of Finnish press material from 1968–2006
M HellMan
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 26 (4), 355-372, 2009
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