jorge valdes saavedra
Rapid reorganization in ocean biogeochemistry off Peru towards the end of the Little Ice Age
D Gutiérrez, A Sifeddine, DB Field, L Ortlieb, G Vargas, FP Chavez, ...
Biogeosciences 6 (5), 835-848, 2009
Laminated sediments from the central Peruvian continental slope: A 500 year record of upwelling system productivity, terrestrial runoff and redox conditions
A Sifeddine, D Gutiérrez, L Ortlieb, H Boucher, F Velazco, D Field, ...
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 190-197, 2008
250 years of sardine and anchovy scale deposition record in Mejillones Bay, northern Chile
J Valdés, L Ortlieb, D Gutierrez, L Marinovic, G Vargas, A Sifeddine
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 198-207, 2008
Paleoseismic inferences from a high-resolution marine sedimentary record in northern Chile (23 S)
G Vargas, L Ortlieb, E Chapron, J Valdes, C Marquardt
Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 381-398, 2005
Contenido de metales en sedimentos y organismos bentónicos de la bahía San Jorge, Antofagasta, Chile
C Calderón, J Valdés
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 47 (1), 121-133, 2012
Cu, Pb, and Zn content in sediments and benthic organisms from San Jorge Bay (northern Chile): Accumulation and biotransference in subtidal coastal systems
J Valdés, M Guiñez, A Castillo, SE Vega
Ciencias Marinas 40 (1), 45-58, 2014
Anoxic sediments off Central Peru record interannual to multidecadal changes of climate and upwelling ecosystem during the last two centuries
D Gutiérrez, A Sifeddine, JL Reyss, G Vargas, F Velazco, R Salvatteci, ...
Advances in Geosciences 6, 119-125, 2006
Geologic and anthropogenic sources of contamination in settled dust of a historic mining port city in northern Chile: health risk implications
JS Tapia, J Valdés, R Orrego, A Tchernitchin, C Dorador, A Bolados, ...
PeerJ 6, e4699, 2018
Metal contents in coastal waters of San Jorge Bay, Antofagasta, northern Chile: a base line for establishing seawater quality guidelines
J Valdés, D Román, L Rivera, J Ávila, P Cortés
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 183 (1), 231-242, 2011
Petrographic and geochemical study of organic matter in surficial laminated sediments from an upwelling system (Mejillones del Sur Bay, Northern Chile)
J Valdés, A Sifeddine, E Lallier-Vergès, L Ortlieb
Organic Geochemistry 35 (7), 881-894, 2004
Foraminíferos bentónicos recientes en sedimentos micróxicos de la bahía Mejillones del Sur (23º S), Chile
M Páez, O Zúñiga, J Valdés, L Ortlieb
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 36 (2), 129-139, 2001
Concentración de metales pesados (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb) en la biota y sedimentos de una playa artificial, en la bahía San Jorge 23 S, norte de Chile
G Castro, J Valdés
Latin american journal of aquatic research 40 (2), 267-281, 2012
Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones Bay, Chile)
J Valdés, D Román, G Alvarez, L Ortlieb, M Guiñez
Journal of Marine Systems 71 (1-2), 18-30, 2008
Distribution and temporal variation of trace metal enrichment in surface sediments of San Jorge Bay, Chile
J Valdés, D Román, M Guiñez, L Rivera, T Morales, J Ávila, P Cortés
Environmental monitoring and assessment 167 (1), 185-197, 2010
Variabilidad espacial y temporal de la materia orgánica sedimentaria, asociada a la Zona de Mínimo Oxígeno (ZMO), en un ambiente costero del norte de la corriente de Humboldt …
M Guiñez, J Valdés, A Sifeddine
Latin american journal of aquatic research 38 (2), 242-253, 2010
Evaluación de la calidad ambiental de los sedimentos marinos en el sistema de bahías de Caldera (27 S), Chile
J Valdés, A Castillo
Latin american journal of aquatic research 42 (3), 497-513, 2014
Evaluación de metales redox-sensitivos como proxies de paleoxigenación en un ambiente marino hipóxico del norte de Chile
Revista chilena de historia natural 77 (1), 121-138, 2004
Composición elemental y contenido de metales en sedimentos marinos de la bahía Mejillones del Sur, Chile: evaluación ambiental de la zona costera
J Valdés, A Sifeddine
Latin american journal of aquatic research 37 (2), 131-141, 2009
Variaciones del sistema de surgencia de Punta Angamos (23 S) y la Zona de Mínimo Oxígeno durante el pasado reciente: Una aproximación desde el registro sedimentario de la Bahía …
J VALDÉS, L Ortlieb, A Sifeddine
Revista chilena de historia natural 76 (3), 347-362, 2003
Anchovy population and ocean-climatic fluctuations in the Humboldt Current System during the last 700 years and their implications
M Guiñez, J Valdés, A Sifeddine, M Boussafir, PM Dávila
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 415, 210-224, 2014
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