Robert Bieda
Robert Bieda
在 polsl.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
The dynamics of the human arm with an observer for the capture of body motion parameters
A Babiarz, R Bieda, K Jaskot, J Klamka
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 61 (4), 2013
Wyznaczanie orientacji obiektu w przestrzeni z wykorzystaniem naiwnego filtru Kalmana
R Bieda, R Grygiel
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 90 (1), 34-41, 2014
Machine vision in autonomous systems of detection and location of objects in digital images
A Babiarz, R Bieda, K Jędrasiak, A Nawrat
Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications, 3-25, 2013
Metody wyznaczania kątów z żyroskopów dla filtru komplementarnego na potrzeby określania orientacji IMU
R Grygiel, R Bieda, K Wojciechowski
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 90 (9), 217-224, 2014
Vision system for group of mobile robots
A Babiarz, R Bieda, K Jaskot
Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications, 139-156, 2013
A new look at water tanks systems as control teaching tools
R Bieda, M Blachuta, R Grygiel
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 13480-13485, 2017
Color edge detection techniques
R Lukac, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos, R Bieda, B Smolka
Signaltheorie und signalverarbeitung, akustik und sprachakustik …, 2003
Recognition and location of objects in the visual field of a UAV vision system
R Bieda, K Jaskot, K Jędrasiak, A Nawrat
Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications, 27-45, 2013
Scalable, wearable, unobtrusive sensor network for multimodal human monitoring with distributed control
M Kulbacki, R Koteras, A Szczęsna, K Daniec, R Bieda, J Słupik, J Segen, ...
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and …, 2015
On significance of second-order dynamics for coupled tanks systems
R Grygiel, R Bieda, M Blachuta
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2016
A distributed control group of mobile robots in a limited area with a vision system
A Babiarz, R Bieda, K Jaskot
Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications, 157-175, 2013
Design, modeling and simulation of PID control for DC/AC inverters
M Blachuta, Z Rymarski, R Bieda, K Bernacki, R Grygiel
2019 24th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2019
High performance single tank level control as an example for control teaching
M Błachuta, R Bieda, R Grygiel
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1053-1058, 2017
Adaptive soft-switching filter for impulsive noise suppression in color images
B Smolka, R Bieda, KN Plataniotis, R Lukac
2005 13th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2005
High performance PID control of a cascade tanks system as an example for control teaching
R Bieda, M Blachuta, R Grygiel
2017 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2017
Naive Kalman filtering for estimation of spatial object orientation
R Bieda, R Grygiel, A Galuszka
2015 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2015
Sampling rate and performance of DC/AC inverters with digital PID control—a case study
M Blachuta, R Bieda, R Grygiel
Energies 14 (16), 5170, 2021
Remarks on the coupled tanks apparatus as a control teaching tool
R Grygiel, R Bieda, M Blachuta
2016 13th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems …, 2016
Determinig of an object orientation in 3D space using direction cosine matrix and non-stationary Kalman filter
R Bieda, K Jaskot
Archives of Control Sciences 26 (2), 2016
Continuous-Time Approach to Discrete-Time PID Control for UPS Inverters-A Case Study
M Błachuta, Z Rymarski, R Bieda, K Bernacki, R Grygiel
Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 170-181, 2020
文章 1–20