Plamen Akaliyski
Plamen Akaliyski
Assistant Professor, Lingnan University
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United in diversity? The convergence of cultural values among EU member states and candidates
P Akaliyski
European Journal of Political Research 58 (2), 388-411, 2019
On “nationology”: The gravitational field of national culture
P Akaliyski, C Welzel, MH Bond, M Minkov
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52 (8-9), 771-793, 2021
A community of shared values? Dimensions and dynamics of cultural integration in the European Union
P Akaliyski, C Welzel, J Hien
Journal of European Integration, 2022
Clashing values: Supranational identities, geopolitical rivalry and Europe’s growing cultural divide
P Akaliyski, C Welzel
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 51 (9), 740-762, 2020
Non-linear relationship between maternal work hours and child body weight: Evidence from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study
J Li, P Akaliyski, J Schäfer, G Kendall, WH Oddy, F Stanley, L Strazdins
Social Science & Medicine 186, 52-60, 2017
Sources of Societal Value Similarities across Europe: Evidence from Dyadic Models
P Akaliyski
Comparative Sociology 16 (4), 447 – 470, 2017
Flexible societies excelled in saving lives in the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
J Li, P Akaliyski, JP Heisig, S Löbl, M Minkov
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 924385, 2022
The weight of culture: Societal individualism and flexibility explain large global variations in obesity
P Akaliyski, M Minkov, J Li, MH Bond, S Gehrig
Social science & medicine 307, 115167, 2022
Ukrainian values: between the Slavic-Orthodox legacy and Europe’s allure
P Akaliyski, T Reeskens
European Societies, 1-30, 2023
Intercultural experience facilitates majority-group acculturation through ethnocultural empathy: Evidence from a mixed-methods investigation in Japan
S Egitim, P Akaliyski
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 98, 101908, 2024
Distinct conceptions of freedom in east asia and the protestant west underpin unique pathways of societal development
P Akaliyski
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 54 (2), 173-194, 2023
Cognitive flexibility and academic performance: Individual and cross-national patterns among adolescents in 57 countries
W Zheng, P Akaliyski, C Ma, Y Xu
Personality and Individual Differences 217, 112455, 2024
Comparative Culturology and Cross-Cultural Psychology: How Comparing Societal Cultures Differs From Comparing Individuals’ Minds Across Cultures
M Minkov, VL Vignoles, C Welzel, P Akaliyski, MH Bond, A Kaasa, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 00220221231220027, 2024
Convergence or divergence? A multilevel analysis of political values in 18 EU countries 1990–2017
P van Houwelingen, P Akaliyski, P Dekker, J Iedema
Comparative European Politics 19 (4), 452-470, 2021
Clashing values: cultural and geopolitical transformations of post-cold war Europe
P Akaliyski, C Welzel
World Values Research 11 (4), 85-123, 2019
Values in crisis: Societal value change under existential insecurity
P Akaliyski, N Taniguchi, J Park, S Gehrig, R Tormos
Social Indicators Research 171 (1), 1-21, 2024
Nations as Gravitational Fields of Culture: In Defence of “Nationology”
P Akaliyski, MH Bond, C Welzel
SocArXiv 10, 2021
Cultural Differences in Europe: The Clash of Civilizations or of Development
P Akaliyski
Berlin, FU Berlin, 2014
Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour
A Karakulak, B Tepe, R Dimitrova, M Abdelrahman, P Akaliyski, R Alaseel, ...
Communications Psychology 1 (1), 43, 2023
Empathy, Fear of Disease and Support for COVID-19 Containment Behaviors: Evidence from 34 Countries on the Moderating Role of Governmental Trust
A Karakulak, B Tepe, R Dimitrova, M Abdelrahman, P Akaliyski, ...
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