Luciana Signorelli
Luciana Signorelli
在 ksu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Distribuição temporal e diversidade de modos reprodutivos de anfíbios anuros no Parque Nacional das Emas e entorno, estado de Goiás, Brasil
K Kopp, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 100, 192-200, 2010
Acoustic communication in a Neotropical frog (Dendropsophus minutus): vocal repertoire, variability and individual discrimination
AR Morais, VG Batista, PG Gambale, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
The Herpetological Journal 22 (4), 249-257, 2012
Vocal behaviour and conspecific call response in Scinax centralis
RP Bastos, MB Alcantara, AR Morais, R Lingnau, L Signorelli
The Herpetological Journal 21 (1), 43-50, 2011
Individual variation in the advertisement calls of a Neotropical treefrog (Scinax constrictus)
PG Gambale, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
Amphibia-Reptilia 35 (3), 271-281, 2014
Herpetofauna da Floresta Nacional de Silvânia, um remanescente de Cerrado no Brasil Central.
AR Morais, RP Bastos, R Vieira, L Signorelli
Neotropical Biology & Conservation 7 (2), 2012
A New Miniature Treefrog of the Scinax ruber Clade from the Cerrado of Central Brazil (Anura: Hylidae)
JP Pombal Jr, M Bilate, PG Gambale, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
Herpetologica 67 (3), 288-299, 2011
The relative importance of local versus landscape variables on site occupancy in bats of the Brazilian Cerrado
P Mendes, KA With, L Signorelli, P De Marco
Landscape Ecology 32, 745-762, 2017
Advertisement calls of three anuran species (Amphibia) from the Cerrado, Central Brazil
RP Bastos, L Signorelli, AR Morais, TB Costa, LP Lima, JP Pombal
South American Journal of Herpetology 6 (2), 67-72, 2011
Geographic structure and acoustic variation in populations of Scinax squalirostris (A. Lutz, 1925)(Anura: Hylidae)
DC do Carmo Faria, L Signorelli, AR Morais, RP Bastos, NM Maciel
North-Western Journal of Zoology 9 (2), 329-336, 2013
Anfíbios anuros associados a corpos d'água do sudoeste do estado de Goiás, Brasil
AR Morais, L Signorelli, PG Gambale, K Kopp, F Nomura, LD Guimarães, ...
Biota Neotropica 11, 355-363, 2011
Active or passive acoustic monitoring? Assessing methods to track anuran communities in tropical savanna wetlands
I Melo, D Llusia, RP Bastos, L Signorelli
Ecological Indicators 132, 108305, 2021
Landscape context affects site occupancy of pond-breeding anurans across a disturbance gradient in the Brazilian Cerrado
L Signorelli, RP Bastos, P De Marco, KA With
Landscape Ecology 31, 1997-2012, 2016
Predation on frogs by the introduced crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 (Decapoda, Trichodactylidae) on a Neotropical floodplain
I DE P. AFFONSO, L Signorelli
Crustaceana 84 (12/13), 1653-1657, 2011
Parasitismo de Amblyomma rotundatum (Koch, 1844)(Acari: Ixodidae) em Rhinella schneideri (Werner, 1894)(Anura: Bufonidae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil
AM Antonucci, FH Oda, L Signorelli, NF Santana, MC Mendes
Natureza online 9 (3), 103-105, 2011
Multiple environmental filters and competition affect the spatial co-occurrence of pond-breeding anurans at both local and landscape scales in the Brazilian Cerrado
WP Ramalho, VHM Prado, L Signorelli, KA With
Landscape Ecology 36, 1663-1683, 2021
Le storie di San Benedetto a Monteoliveto Maggiore
E Carli, L Signorelli
(No Title), 1980
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a risk factor for the health of Neotropical tadpoles: a case study of Dendropsophus minutus (Anura: Hylidae)
DF do Amaral, V Guerra, KL Almeida, L Signorelli, TL Rocha, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (33), 50515-50529, 2022
Signorelli: des Meisters Gemalde
L Dussler
(No Title), 1927
Herpetofauna of the Floresta Nacional de Silvânia, a Cerrado remnant in Central Brazil
AR Morais, RP Bastos, R Vieira, L Signorelli
Neotropical Biology and Conservation 7 (2), 114, 2012
Anuran amphibians associated to water bodies in Southwest of Goiás State (Brazil)
AR Morais, L Signorelli, PG Gambale, K Kopp, F Nomura, LD Guimarães, ...
Biota Neotropica 11, 355-363, 2011
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