David Reichman
David Reichman
Columbia University
Exciton Binding Energy and Nonhydrogenic Rydberg Series in Monolayer
A Chernikov, TC Berkelbach, HM Hill, A Rigosi, Y Li, B Aslan, ...
Physical review letters 113 (7), 076802, 2014
Grains and grain boundaries in highly crystalline monolayer molybdenum disulphide
AM Van Der Zande, PY Huang, DA Chenet, TC Berkelbach, YM You, ...
Nature materials 12 (6), 554-561, 2013
Drying-mediated self-assembly of nanoparticles
E Rabani, DR Reichman, PL Geissler, LE Brus
Nature 426 (6964), 271-274, 2003
Theory of neutral and charged excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
TC Berkelbach, MS Hybertsen, DR Reichman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (4), 045318, 2013
Visualizing individual nitrogen dopants in monolayer graphene
L Zhao, R He, KT Rim, T Schiros, KS Kim, H Zhou, C Gutiérrez, ...
Science 333 (6045), 999-1003, 2011
Observation of biexcitons in monolayer WSe2
Y You, XX Zhang, TC Berkelbach, MS Hybertsen, DR Reichman, ...
Nature Physics 11 (6), 477-481, 2015
Coulomb engineering of the bandgap and excitons in two-dimensional materials
A Raja, A Chaves, J Yu, G Arefe, HM Hill, AF Rigosi, TC Berkelbach, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15251, 2017
Anomalous diffusion probes microstructure dynamics of entangled F-actin networks
IY Wong, ML Gardel, DR Reichman, ER Weeks, MT Valentine, AR Bausch, ...
Physical review letters 92 (17), 178101, 2004
Soft colloids make strong glasses
J Mattsson, HM Wyss, A Fernandez-Nieves, K Miyazaki, Z Hu, ...
Nature 462 (7269), 83-86, 2009
Connecting dopant bond type with electronic structure in N-doped graphene
T Schiros, D Nordlund, L Pálová, D Prezzi, L Zhao, KS Kim, U Wurstbauer, ...
Nano letters 12 (8), 4025-4031, 2012
Irreversible reorganization in a supercooled liquid originates from localized soft modes
A Widmer-Cooper, H Perry, P Harrowell, DR Reichman
Nature Physics 4 (9), 711-715, 2008
Observation of Excitonic Rydberg States in Monolayer MoS2 and WS2 by Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy
HM Hill, AF Rigosi, C Roquelet, A Chernikov, TC Berkelbach, ...
Nano letters 15 (5), 2992-2997, 2015
Microscopic theory of singlet exciton fission. II. Application to pentacene dimers and the role of superexchange
TC Berkelbach, MS Hybertsen, DR Reichman
The Journal of chemical physics 138 (11), 2013
Mode-coupling theory
DR Reichman, P Charbonneau
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (05), P05013, 2005
Absence of diffusion in an interacting system of spinless fermions on a one-dimensional disordered lattice
Y Bar Lev, G Cohen, DR Reichman
Physical review letters 114 (10), 100601, 2015
The quantum coherent mechanism for singlet fission: Experiment and theory
WL Chan, TC Berkelbach, MR Provorse, NR Monahan, JR Tritsch, ...
Accounts of chemical research 46 (6), 1321-1329, 2013
Tailoring the electronic structure in bilayer molybdenum disulfide via interlayer twist
AM Van Der Zande, J Kunstmann, A Chernikov, DA Chenet, YM You, ...
Nano letters 14 (7), 3869-3875, 2014
Inhomogeneous mode-coupling theory and growing dynamic length in supercooled liquids
G Biroli, JP Bouchaud, K Miyazaki, DR Reichman
Physical review letters 97 (19), 195701, 2006
Spontaneous and induced dynamic fluctuations in glass formers. I. General results and dependence on ensemble and dynamics
L Berthier, G Biroli, JP Bouchaud, W Kob, K Miyazaki, DR Reichman
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (18), 2007
Theory of coherent resonance energy transfer
S Jang, YC Cheng, DR Reichman, JD Eaves
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (10), 2008
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