Kevyn E Wightman
Kevyn E Wightman
London Tree Officer & Forest Nursery Consultant
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The potential of plantations to foster woody regeneration within a deforested landscape in lowland Costa Rica
J Haggar, K Wightman, R Fisher
Forest Ecology and Management 99 (1-2), 55-64, 1997
Nursery and field establishment techniques to improve seedling growth of three Costa Rican hardwoods
KE Wightman, T Shear, B Goldfarb, J Haggar
New Forests 22, 75-96, 2001
Good tree nursery practices: practical guidelines for community nurseries
KE Wightman
La cadena de la reforestación y la importancia en la calidad de las plantas
KE Wightman, BS Cruz
Foresta Veracruzana 5 (1), 45-51, 2003
Performance and genetic variation of big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) in provenance and progeny trials in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
KE Wightman, SE Ward, JP Haggar, BR Santiago, JP Cornelius
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2), 346-355, 2008
Plantemos madera
K Wightman, J Cornelius, J Ugarte
ICRAF technical manual, 2006
Organic Matter Added to Bareroot Nursery Beds Influences Soil Properties and Morphology of Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Quercus rubra Seedlings
AS Davis, DF Jacobs, KE Wightman, ZKD Birge
New Forests 31, 293-303, 2006
Early results from genetic trials on the growth of Spanish cedar and its susceptibility to the shoot borer moth in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
SE Ward, KE Wightman, BR Santiago
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2), 356-364, 2008
Is mahogany dysgenically selected?
JP Cornelius, CM Navarro, KE Wightman, SE Ward
Environmental Conservation 32 (2), 129-139, 2005
Organic matter amendment of fallow forest tree seedling nursery soils influences soil properties and biomass of a sorghum cover crop
AS Davis, DF Jacobs, KE Wightman
Tree Planter’s Notes Is Back!, 4, 2007
Swietenia (American mahogany)
JP Cornelius, KE Wightman, JE Grogan, SE Ward
Elsevier, 2004
¡ Plantemos madera!: manual sobre el establecimiento, manejoy aprovechamiento de plantaciones maderables para productores de la Amazonía peruana
K Wightman
World Agroforestry Centre, 2006
Domesticación de cedro y caoba en la Península de Yucatán, México Experiencias en el mejoramiento del germoplasma forestal.
K Wightman, BR Santiago, S Ward, J Cornelius
Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, 2005
Smallholder production of agroforestry germplasm: experiences and lessons from Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru
JP Cornelius, F Mesén, ST Ohashi, N Leão, CE Silva, LJ Ugarte-Guerra, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 19 (3), 201-216, 2010
Good tree nursery practices
KE Wightman
Practical guidelines for community nurseries. World Agroforestry Centre …, 1999
Seedling quality standards for bottomland hardwood afforestation in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley: preliminary results
DF Jacobs, ES Gardiner, KF Salifu, RP Overton, G Hernandez, BE Corbin, ...
Dumroese RK, Riley LE, and Landis TD (Techn. Coords.), National Proceedings …, 2005
Bonnes pratiques de culture en pépinière forestière: directives pratiques pour les pépinières communautaires
KE Wightman
World Agroforestry Centre, 2000
Practicas adecuadas para los viveros forestales
KE Wightman
Guía práctica para los viveros comunitarios. ICRAF. Nairobi, Kenya, 2000
Nursery production and seedling establishment techniques for five native tree species in the atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica
KE Wightman
North Carolina State University, 1997
Una estrategia para hacer rentable la producción de árboles por ejidatarios en la península de yucatán. II Foro Internacional
J Haggar, K Wightman, L Sosa, KH Van, JA Contreras, G Hernández
Los aprovechamientos forestales y su relación con el ambiente. Veracruz …, 2000
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