The geology of central Europe: Mesozoic and Cenozoic T McCann Geological Society of London, 2008 | 170* | 2008 |
A model for the origin and petrogenesis of the red stromatactis limestone of Paleozoic carbonate mounds PA Bourque, F Boulvain Journal of Sedimentary Research 63 (4), 607-619, 1993 | 166 | 1993 |
Iron bacterial and fungal mats, Bajocian stratotype (Mid-Jurassic, northern Normandy, France) A Préat, B Mamet, C De Ridder, F Boulvain, D Gillan Sedimentary Geology 137 (3-4), 107-126, 2000 | 96 | 2000 |
Upper Devonian carbonate platform correlations and sea level variations recorded in magnetic susceptibility AC Da Silva, F Boulvain Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240 (3-4), 373-388, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |
Facies architecture and diagenesis of Belgian Late Frasnian carbonate mounds F Boulvain Sedimentary Geology 145 (3-4), 269-294, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
Les formations du Frasnien de la Belgique F Boulvain, P Bultynck, M Coen, M Coen-Aubert, D Lacroix, M Laloux, ... Memoirs of the geological Survey of Belgium 44, 1999 | 77 | 1999 |
Magnetic susceptibility as a high-resolution correlation tool and as a climatic proxy in Paleozoic rocks–merits and pitfalls: examples from the Devonian in Belgium AC Da Silva, D De Vleeschouwer, F Boulvain, P Claeys, N Fagel, ... Marine and Petroleum Geology 46, 173-189, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Influence of sedimentary setting on the use of magnetic susceptibility: examples from the Devonian of Belgium AC da Silva, C Mabille, F Boulvain Sedimentology 56 (5), 1292-1306, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
Permian T McCann, H Kiersnowski, K Krainer, A Vozárová, TM Peryt, S Oplustil, ... | 68 | 2008 |
Magnetic susceptibility evolution and sedimentary environments on carbonate platform sediments and atolls, comparison of the Frasnian from Belgium and Alberta, Canada AC Da Silva, K Potma, JAW Weissenberger, MT Whalen, M Humblet, ... Sedimentary Geology 214 (1-4), 3-18, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
Sédimentologie et diagenèse des monticules micritiques" F2J" du Frasnien de l'Ardenne F Boulvain Professional Paper-Service Géologique de Belgique 260 (1 et 2), 1993 | 61 | 1993 |
From palaeosols to carbonate mounds: facies and environments of the middle Frasnian platform in Belgium AC Da Silva, F Boulvain Geological Quarterly 48 (3), 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
Sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility and isotopes of a Middle Frasnian carbonate platform: Tailfer section, Belgium AC Da Silva, F Boulvain Facies 46, 89-101, 2002 | 57 | 2002 |
Iron microbial communities in Belgian Frasnians carbonate mounds F Boulvain, C De Ridder, B Mamet, A Préat, D Gillan Facies 44, 47-59, 2001 | 57 | 2001 |
Precessional and half-precessional climate forcing of Mid-Devonian monsoon-like dynamics D De Vleeschouwer, AC Da Silva, F Boulvain, M Crucifix, P Claeys Climate of the Past 8 (1), 337-351, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |
Karst in granitic rocks, South Cameroon: cave genesis and silica and taranakite speleothems L Willems, P Compère, F Hatert, A Pouclet, JP Vicat, C Ek, F Boulvain Terra Nova 14 (5), 355-362, 2002 | 50 | 2002 |
Frasnian carbonate mounds from Belgium: sedimentology and palaeoceanography F Boulvain Geological Society, London, Special Publications 275 (1), 125-142, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Why is stromatactis so rare in Mesozoic carbonate mud mounds? F Neuweiler, PA Bourque, F Boulvain Terra Nova 13 (5), 338-346, 2001 | 44 | 2001 |
Sedimentology and stromatoporoid palaeoecology of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) carbonate mounds in southern Belgium AC Da Silva, S Kershaw, F Boulvain Lethaia 44 (3), 255-274, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |