Andreas Krings
Andreas Krings
在 kth.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Overview and comparison of iron loss models for electrical machines
A Krings, J Soulard
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and …, 2010
Soft Magnetic Material Status and Trends in Electric Machines
A Krings, A Boglietti, A Cavagnino, S Sprague
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (3), 2405-2414, 2017
Thermal modeling of directly cooled electric machines using lumped parameter and limited CFD analysis
S Nategh, Z Huang, A Krings, O Wallmark, M Leksell
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 28 (4), 979-990, 2013
Thermal Modeling of Directry Cooled Electric Machenes Using Lumped Parameter and Limited CFD Analysis
S Nategh, Z Huang, O Wallmark, M Leksell, A Krings
Iron losses in electrical machines-Influence of material properties, manufacturing processes, and inverter operation
A Krings
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014
Magnetic Materials Used in Electrical Machines: A Comparison and Selection Guide for Early Machine Design
A Krings, M Cossale, A Tenconi, J Soulard, A Cavagnino, A Boglietti
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 23 (6), 21-28, 2017
Evaluation of impregnation materials for thermal management of liquid-cooled electric machines
S Nategh, A Krings, O Wallmark, M Leksell
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (11), 5956-5965, 2014
Measurement and modeling of iron losses in electrical machines
A Krings, S Nategh, A Stening, H Grop, O Wallmark, J Soulard
5th International Conference Magnetism and Metallurgy WMM'12, June 20th to …, 2012
Experimental investigation of the voltage distribution in form wound windings of large AC machines due to fast transients
A Krings, G Paulsson, F Sahlén, B Holmgren
Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2016 XXII International Conference on, 1700-1706, 2016
Temperature influence of NiFe steel laminations on the characteristics of small slotless permanent magnet machines
A Krings, SA Mousavi, O Wallmark, J Soulard
IEEE transactions on magnetics 49 (7), 4064-4067, 2013
Influence of the welding process on the performance of slotless PM motors with SiFe and NiFe stator laminations
A Krings, S Nategh, O Wallmark, J Soulard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (1), 296-306, 2014
Influence of the welding process on the performance of slotless PM motors with SiFe and NiFe stator laminations
A Krings, S Nategh, O Wallmark, J Soulard
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (1), 296-306, 2014
Practical Investigations on Cobalt–Iron Laminations for Electrical Machines
M Cossale, A Krings, J Soulard, A Boglietti, A Cavagnino
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (4), 2933-2939, 2015
Maximum dc-link voltage utilization for optimal operation of ipmsm
T Schoenen, A Krings, D van Treek, RW De Doncker
Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 2009. IEMDC'09. IEEE International …, 2009
PWM influence on the iron losses and characteristics of a slotless permanent-magnet motor with SiFe and NiFe stator cores
A Krings, J Soulard, O Wallmark
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1475-1484, 2015
Characteristics comparison and selection guide for magnetic materials used in electrical machines
A Krings, M Cossale, A Tenconi, J Soulard, A Cavagnino, A Boglietti
Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2015 IEEE International, 1152 …, 2015
Manufacturing influence on the magnetic properties and iron losses in cobalt-iron stator cores for electrical machines
A Krings, M Cossale, J Soulard, A Boglietti, A Cavagnino
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014 IEEE, 5595-5601, 2014
Influence of the welding process on the magnetic properties of a slot-less permanent magnet synchronous machine stator core
A Krings, S Nategh, O Wallmark, J Soulard
Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2012 XXth International Conference on, 1333-1338, 2012
Experimental characterization of magnetic materials for electrical machine applications
A Krings, J Soulard
Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis (WEMDCD), 2015 IEEE …, 2015
Evaluation of stator and rotor lamination materials for thermal management of a PMaSRM
S Nategh, A Krings, Z Huang, O Wallmark, M Leksell, M Lindenmo
Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2012 XXth International Conference on, 1309-1314, 2012
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