Volodymyr Maslyuk / Володимир Маслюк
Volodymyr Maslyuk / Володимир Маслюк
Інститут електронної фізики НАН України
在 nas.gov.ua 的电子邮件经过验证
Van der Waals SnSe2(1−x)S2x Alloys: Composition‐Dependent Bowing Coefficient and Electron–Phonon Interaction
ZR Kudrynskyi, X Wang, J Sutcliffe, MA Bhuiyan, Y Fu, Z Yang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (9), 1908092, 2020
Electrical and photoelectric characteristics of structures based on InSe and GaSe layered semiconductors irradiated with 12.5-MeV electrons
ZD Kovalyuk, OA Politanska, ON Sydor, VT Maslyuk
Semiconductors 42, 1292-1297, 2008
The impact of radiation defects on the mechanisms of electron scattering in single crystals n-Ge
SV Luniov, AI Zimych, PF Nazarchuk, VT Maslyuk, IG Megela
Journal of physical studies 19 (4), 4704-4704, 2015
X-Ray Luminescence of Crystallized Silver, Copper and Manganese-Doped Lithium Tetraborate
K Popovych, P Puga, V Maslyuk, V Krasylynec, V Holovey, G Puga
Acta Physica Polonica A 117 (1), 174-176, 2010
A model for maxima in the heat capacities of chalcogenide glasses
V Maslyuk
Journal of non-crystalline solids 212 (1), 80-84, 1997
Determining residual impurities in sapphire by means of electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear activation analysis
DI Bletskan, VY Bratus’, AR Luk’yanchuk, VT Maslyuk, OA Parlag
Technical Physics Letters 34, 612-614, 2008
Электрические и фотоэлектрические характеристики структур на основе слоистых полупроводников InSe и GaSe при облучении электронами с энергией 12, 5 МэВ
ЗД Ковалюк, ОА Политанская, ОН Сидор, ВТ Маслюк
Физика и техника полупроводников 42 (11), 1321, 2008
Полупроводниковые сверхрешетки
ВТ Маслюк, ПА Феннич
Зарубежн. электрон. техника, 241, 1981
Specific features of electron scattering in uniaxially deformed n-Ge single crystals in the presence of radiation defects
SV Luniov, AI Zimych, PF Nazarchuk, VT Maslyuk, IG Megela
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 171 (11-12), 855-868, 2016
Effect of electron irradiation on transparent conductive films ZnO: Al deposited at different power sputtering
DV Myroniuk, AI Ievtushenko, GV Lashkarev, VT Maslyuk, II Timofeeva, ...
Semiconductor physics quantum electronics & optoelectronics, 286-291, 2015
The effect of irradiation with electrons on the electrical parameters of Hg3In2Te6
OG Grushka, VT Maslyuk, SM Chupyra, OM Mysliuk, SV Bilichuk, ...
Semiconductors 46, 312-314, 2012
Влияние облучения электронами на электрофизические параметры Hg3In2Te6
ОГ Грушка, ВТ Маслюк, СМ Чупыра, ОМ Мыслюк, СВ Биличук, ...
Физика и техника полупроводников 46 (3), 327-329, 2012
Specific features of defect formation in the n-Si< Ρ> single crystals at electron irradiation
S Luniov, A Zimych, M Khvyshchun, M Yevsiuk, V Maslyuk
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 35-42, 2018
Calculation of the fission-fragment yields of the pre-actinide nuclei by the example of the Pbnat isotopes
VT Maslyuk, OA Parlag, OI Lendyel, TI Marynets, MI Romanyuk, ...
Nuclear Physics A 955, 79-87, 2016
Radiation defects parameters determination in n-Ge single crystals irradiated by high-energy electrons
SV Luniov, AI Zimych, PF Nazarchuk, VT Maslyuk, IG Megela
Ядерна фізика та енергетика 17 (1), 47-52, 2016
Luminescent properties of LiF: Mg, Cu, P detectors irradiated by the 10-MeV electrons
VT Maslyuk, IG Megela, B Obryk, TO Vieru-Vasilitsa
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 172 (9-10), 782-789, 2017
The features of the fission fragments yields formation of the actinide nuclei on example of uranium isotopes
VT Maslyuk, OO Parlag, MI Romanyuk, OI Lendyel, TJ Marinetc
Europhysics Letters 119 (1), 12001, 2017
Statistical regularities in the distribution of radionuclides in sediments of Transcarpathia mountain rivers
VT Maslyuk, NI Svatyuk, MV Stets, MV Frontasyeva, OO Parlag
Journal of environmental radioactivity 117, 9-12, 2013
Study of mass spectra of light-actinide fission isotopes Kr and Xe in the framework of a new statistical approach
VT Maslyuk, OA Parlag, TI Marinets
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 4, 46-50, 2007
Microtron M-30 for radiation experiments: formation and control of irradiation fields
MI Romanyuk, JJ Hainysh, Y Plakosh, V Kovtun, OM Turhovsky, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2022
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