Andrew Dunningham
Andrew Dunningham
Scientist, Scion, New Zealand
在 scionresearch.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Defining sustainability of plantation forests through identification of site quality indicators influencing productivity—a national view for New Zealand
MS Watt, G Coker, PW Clinton, MR Davis, R Parfitt, R Simcock, L Garrett, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 216 (1-3), 51-63, 2005
Resilience achieved via multiple compensating subsystems: The immediate impacts of COVID-19 control measures on the agri-food systems of Australia and New Zealand
V Snow, D Rodriguez, R Dynes, W Kaye-Blake, T Mallawaarachchi, ...
Agricultural Systems 187, 103025, 2021
An atlas of radiata pine nutrition in New Zealand.
IR Hunter, BE Rodgers, A Dunningham, JM Prince, AJ Thorn
Remote sensing for precision forestry
J Dash, D Pont, R Brownlie, A Dunningham, M Watt, G Pearse
NZJ For 60 (4), 15-24, 2016
Impacts of Climate Change on Land-based Sectors and Adaptation Options: Stakeholder Report
AJ Clark, RAC Nottage, L Wilcocks, JM Lee, C Burke, E Kalaugher, ...
Ministry for Primary Industries, 2012
Comparison of spatial modelling frameworks for the identification of future afforestation in New Zealand
TAP West, JJ Monge, LJ Dowling, SJ Wakelin, RT Yao, AG Dunningham, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 198, 103780, 2020
Review of permanent plots for long-term monitoring of New Zealand's indigenous forests
PJ Bellingham, SK Wiser, DA Coomes, AG Dunningham
Department of Conservation, 2000
Climate change adaptation behaviour of forest growers in New Zealand: An application of protection motivation theory
GB Villamor, SJ Wakelin, A Dunningham, PW Clinton
Climatic Change 176 (2), 3, 2023
Synthesis Report RA4: Enhancing capacity and increasing coordination to support decision making
J Lawrence, P Blackett, N Cradock-Henry, S Flood, A Greenaway, ...
Climate change impacts and implications (CCII) for New Zealand to 2100, 2016
Forest scholars empowering communities: A case study from the East Coast of New Zealand
P Edwards, SJ Velarde, L Sharma-Wallace, T Barnard, P Pohatu, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 91, 46-53, 2018
Developing national-scale terrain attributes for New Zealand (TANZ)
DJ Palmer, BK Höck, AG Dunningham, DJ Lowe, TW Payn
Forest Research Bulletin 232, 1-81, 2009
Exploring the solution space for different forestry management structures in New Zealand under climate change
A Wreford, A Dunningham, A Jones, OM de Oca Munguia, GB Villamor, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 126, 1-10, 2021
Chapter 7. Forestry Long-term adaptation of productive forests in a changing climatic environment
DFM Andrew Dunningham, Miko Kirschbaum, Tim Payn
Impacts of Climate Change on Land-based Sectors and Adaptation Options, 2012
A compatible volume and taper equation for New Zealand Pinus radiata D. Don grown under the direct sawlog regime.
A Katz, AG Dunningham, A Gordon
Improving the representation of climate change adaptation behaviour in New Zealand’s forest growing sector
GB Villamor, A Dunningham, P Stahlmann-Brown, PW Clinton
Land 11 (3), 364, 2022
Use of remotely sensed data to characterize weed competition in forest plantations
MS Watt, M Heaphy, A Dunningham, C Rolando
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10), 2448-2463, 2017
Climate change impacts and implications: an integrated assessment in a lowland environment of New Zealand
AGE Ausseil, K Bodmin, A Daigneault, E Teixeira, ED Keller, ...
The internet of things for forestry: new concepts, new opportunities.
B Hock, M Heaphy, M Evans, A Dunningham, B Graham
Inventory of plantation forests using crown delineation techniques
RM Andrew, CM Trotter, BK Höck, A Dunningham
International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, 4 th/21 st …, 1999
A review of climate change research in New Zealand focusing on forestry
A Dunningham, A Grant, A Wreford, N Kirk
MPI Tech Pap 93, 2018
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