Professor Duncan Walker
Professor Duncan Walker
Professor of Applied Aeodynamics, Loughborough University, orcid.org/0000-0001-9348-1381
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Integrated OGV Design for an Aggressive S-Shaped Compressor Transition Duct
AD Walker, AG Barker, JF Carrotte, JJ Bolger, MJ Green
ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition …, 2011
Numerical Design and Experimental Evaluation of an Aggressive S-Shaped Compressor Transition Duct With Bleed
AD Walker, AG Barker, JF Carrotte
ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition …, 2011
Experimental and computational study of hybrid diffusers for gas turbine combustors
AD Walker, PA Denman, JJ McGuirk
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 126 (4), 717-725, 2004
An aggressive S-shaped compressor transition duct with swirling flow and aerodynamic lifting struts
AD Walker, AG Barker, I Mariah, GL Peacock, JF Carrotte, RM Northall
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45608, V02AT40A002, 2014
Enhanced external aerodynamic performance of a generic combustor using an integrated OGV/prediffuser design technique
A Duncan Walker, JF Carrotte, JJ McGuirk
Compressor/diffuser/combustor aerodynamic interactions in lean module combustors
A Duncan Walker, JF Carrotte, JJ McGuirk
Duct Aerodynamics for Intercooled Aero Gas Turbines: Constraints, Concepts and Design Methodology
AD Walker, JF Carrotte, AM Rolt
Proceedings of the ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress …, 2009
The influence of dump gap on external combustor aerodynamics at high fuel injector flow rates
AD Walker, JF Carrotte, JJ McGuirk
Diffuser arrangement
AD Walker, PA Denman
US Patent 7,062,918, 2006
The influence of fan root flow on the aerodynamic of a low-pressure compressor transition duct
AD Walker, I Mariah, D Tsakmakidou, H Vadhvana, C Hall
Journal of Turbomachinery 142 (1), 011002, 2020
The impact of compressor exit conditions on fuel injector flows
CL Ford, JF Carrotte, AD Walker
Gas turbine engine vanes
R Northall, MS Krautheim, AD WALKER, JF Carrotte, I MARIAH
US Patent 10,697,471, 2020
Impact of a cooled cooling air system on the external aerodynamics of a gas turbine combustion system
A Duncan Walker, B Koli, L Guo, P Beecroft, M Zedda
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139 (5), 051504, 2017
Aerodesign and validation of turning struts for an intermediate compressor duct
F Wallin, R Bergstedt, AD Walker, GL Peacock
ISABE2015-22143, 25-30, 2015
The application of porous media to simulate the upstream effects of gas turbine injector swirl vanes
CL Ford, JF Carrotte, AD Walker
Computers & Fluids 77, 143-151, 2013
Gas turbine engine vanes
R Northall, MS Krautheim, AD WALKER, JF Carrotte, I MARIAH
US Patent 10,577,956, 2020
Investigation of wheelhouse flow interaction and the influence of lateral wheel displacement
E Rajaratnam, D Walker
Energies 12 (17), 3340, 2019
Elliptical air opening at an upstream end of a fuel injector shroud and a gas turbine engine combustion chamber
AJ Moran, CL Ford, JF Carrotte, AD Walker
US Patent 9,371,990, 2016
Aerodynamic performance of a coolant flow off-take downstream of an outlet guide vane
C A’Barrow, JF Carrotte, AD Walker, AM Rolt
Journal of Turbomachinery 135 (1), 011006, 2013
Compressor/diffuser/combustor aerodynamic interactions in lean module combustors
AD Walker, JF Carrotte, JJ McGuirk
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 47950, 1857-1864, 2007
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