Dynamics of Sunspot Light Bridges as Revealed by High-Resolution Images from Hinode RE Louis, AR Bayanna, SK Mathew, P Venkatakrishnan Solar Physics 252 (1), 43, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
Properties of umbral dots from stray light corrected Hinode filtergrams RE Louis, SK Mathew, LRB Rubio, K Ichimoto, B Ravindra, AR Bayanna The Astrophysical Journal 752 (2), 109, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Imaging spectropolarimeter for the multi-application solar telescope at Udaipur solar observatory: characterization of polarimeter and preliminary observations AR Tiwary, SK Mathew, AR Bayanna, P Venkatakrishnan, R Yadav Solar Physics 292 (4), 49, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Analysis of a fragmenting sunspot using Hinode observations RE Louis, B Ravindra, SK Mathew, LRB Rubio, AR Bayanna, ... The Astrophysical Journal 755 (1), 16, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
First Observations from the Multi-Application Solar Telescope (MAST) Narrow-Band Imager SK Mathew, AR Bayanna, AR Tiwary, R Bireddy, P Venkatakrishnan Solar Physics 292 (8), 106, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Membrane-based deformable mirror: intrinsic aberrations and alignment issues AR Bayanna, RE Louis, S Chatterjee, SK Mathew, P Venkatakrishnan Applied Optics 54 (7), 1727-1736, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Proposed visible emission line space solar coronagraph J Singh, BR Prasad, P Venkatakrishnan, K Sankarasubramanian, ... Current Science, 167-174, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Narrow-band imaging system for the multi-application solar telescope at Udaipur Solar Observatory: characterization of lithium niobate etalons AR Bayanna, SK Mathew, P Venkatakrishnan, N Srivastava Solar Physics 289 (10), 4007-4019, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Issues with external occultation of a coronagraph AR Bayanna, SK Mathew, K Sankarasubramanian, P Venkatakrishnan, ... Experimental Astronomy 29 (3), 145-153, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Site characterization using solar Hα images B Kumar, P Venkatakrishnan, AR Bayanna, K Venugopalan Solar Physics 241 (2), 427-437, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
The Multi Application Solar Telescope P Venkatakrishnan, SK Mathew, N Srivastava, AR Bayanna, B Kumar, ... Current Science Association, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Visible emission line space solar coronagraph: science and optical design J Singh, R Bayanna, K Sankarasubramanian Journal of Optics 42 (2), 96-100, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
An Image Stabilization System for Solar Observations R Sridharan, AR Bayanna, B Kumar, P Venkatakrishnan Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India 33, 414-414, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
Development of a low-order Adaptive Optics system at Udaipur Solar Observatory AR Bayanna, B Kumar, RE Louis, P Venkatakrishnan, SK Mathew Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 29 (1-2), 353-357, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Low-order adaptive optics for the meter aperture solar telescope of Udaipur Solar Observatory R Sridharan, AR Bayanna Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics 5171, 219-231, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
Low-order adaptive optics for the meter aperture solar telescope of Udaipur Solar Observatory [5171-26] R Sridharan, AR Bayanna PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 219-230, 2003 | 7* | 2003 |
On the line profile changes observed during the X2. 2 class flare in the active region NOAA 11158 AR Bayanna, B Kumar, P Venkatakrishnan, SK Mathew, B Ravindra, ... Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 14 (2), 207, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
A novel solar spectroscopic concept using Shack-Hartmann and Fabry-Perot K Sankarasubrmanian, S Gosain, P Venkatakrishnan, AR Bayanna Journal of Optics 41 (2), 114-116, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Estimation of order parameter of a liquid crystal variable retarder using Haller’s approximation AR Tiwary, AR Bayanna, SK Mathew Applied optics 56 (14), 4180-4184, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Analysis of sudden variations in photospheric magnetic fields during a large flare and their influences in the solar atmosphere B Kumar, AR Bayanna, P Venkatakrishnan, SK Mathew Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 16 (8), 129, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |