Bidding for firms DA Black, WH Hoyt The American Economic Review 79 (5), 1249-1256, 1989 | 411 | 1989 |
Property taxation, Nash equilibrium, and market power WH Hoyt Journal of Urban Economics 30 (1), 123-131, 1991 | 352 | 1991 |
Competitive jurisdictions, congestion, and the Henry George Theorem: When should property be taxed instead of land? WH Hoyt Regional Science and Urban Economics 21 (3), 351-370, 1991 | 116 | 1991 |
Tax policy coordination, vertical externalities, and optimal taxation in a system of hierarchical governments WH Hoyt Journal of Urban Economics 50 (3), 491-516, 2001 | 110 | 2001 |
Local policy choice: theory and empirics DR Agrawal, WH Hoyt, JD Wilson Journal of Economic Literature 60 (4), 1378-1455, 2022 | 108 | 2022 |
Household location and Tiebout: do families sort according to preferences for locational amenities? WH Hoyt, SS Rosenthal Journal of Urban Economics 42 (2), 159-178, 1997 | 91 | 1997 |
Income taxes and the destination of movers to multistate MSAs PA Coomes, WH Hoyt Journal of Urban Economics 63 (3), 920-937, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
Economic evaluation of drug court: Methodology, results, and policy implications TK Logan, WH Hoyt, KE McCollister, MT French, C Leukefeld, L Minton Evaluation and Program Planning 27 (4), 381-396, 2004 | 89 | 2004 |
The Kentucky civil protective order study: A rural and urban multiple perspective study of protective order violation consequences, responses, & costs TK Logan, R Walker, W Hoyt, T Faragher US Department of Justice 10, 2009 | 83 | 2009 |
Educational vouchers, welfare effects, and voting WH Hoyt, K Lee Journal of Public Economics 69 (2), 211-228, 1998 | 80 | 1998 |
Tax competition, Nash equilibria, and residential mobility WH Hoyt Journal of Urban economics 34 (3), 358-379, 1993 | 80 | 1993 |
Leviathan, local government expenditures, and capitalization WH Hoyt Regional Science and Urban Economics 29 (2), 155-171, 1999 | 77 | 1999 |
Do states choose their mix of taxes to minimize employment losses? JW Harden, WH Hoyt National Tax Journal 56 (1), 7-26, 2003 | 71 | 2003 |
The economic costs of partner violence and the cost-benefit of civil protective orders TK Logan, R Walker, W Hoyt Journal of interpersonal violence 27 (6), 1137-1154, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
Capital gains taxation and the demand for owner-occupied housing WH Hoyt, SS Rosenthal The Review of Economics and Statistics, 45-54, 1990 | 66 | 1990 |
Local government inefficiency and the Tiebout hypothesis: Does competition among municipalities limit local government inefficiency? WH Hoyt Southern Economic Journal, 481-496, 1990 | 57 | 1990 |
Market power of large cities and policy differences in metropolitan areas WH Hoyt Regional Science and Urban Economics 22 (4), 539-558, 1992 | 53 | 1992 |
Commuting and taxes: Theory, empirics and welfare implications DR Agrawal, WH Hoyt The Economic Journal 128 (616), 2969-3007, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Business Incentives and Employment: What Incentives Work and Where? WH Hoyt, C Jepsen, KR Troske Institute for Federalism & Intergovernmental Relations Working Paper, 2008 | 47 | 2008 |
State mandates and interest group lobbying WH Hoyt, EF Toma Journal of public economics 38 (2), 199-213, 1989 | 45 | 1989 |