Uta Sailer
Uta Sailer
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
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Eye–hand coordination during learning of a novel visuomotor task
U Sailer, JR Flanagan, RS Johansson
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (39), 8833-8842, 2005
Impaired self-perception of the hand in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
S Förderreuther, U Sailer, A Straube
Pain 110 (3), 756-761, 2004
Altered reward processing in the nucleus accumbens and mesial prefrontal cortex of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
U Sailer, S Robinson, FPS Fischmeister, D König, C Oppenauer, ...
Neuropsychologia 46 (11), 2836-2844, 2008
Manipulation of feedback expectancy and valence induces negative and positive reward prediction error signals manifest in event‐related brain potentials
DM Pfabigan, J Alexopoulos, H Bauer, UTA Sailer
Psychophysiology 48 (5), 656-664, 2011
Interpersonal stroking touch is targeted to C tactile afferent activation
I Croy, A Luong, C Triscoli, E Hofmann, H Olausson, U Sailer
Behavioural Brain Research SreeTestContent1 297, 37-40, 2016
A resting state network in the motor control circuit of the basal ganglia
S Robinson, G Basso, N Soldati, U Sailer, J Jovicich, L Bruzzone, ...
BMC neuroscience 10 (1), 1-14, 2009
Spatial and temporal aspects of eye-hand coordination across different tasks
U Sailer, T Eggert, J Ditterich, A Straube
Experimental Brain Research 134 (2), 163-173, 2000
CT-optimized skin stroking delivered by hand or robot is comparable
C Triscoli, H Olausson, U Sailer, H Ignell, I Croy
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 7, 208, 2013
Touch between romantic partners: Being stroked is more pleasant than stroking and decelerates heart rate
C Triscoli, I Croy, H Olausson, U Sailer
Physiology & behavior 177, 169-175, 2017
The affective profiles in the USA: happiness, depression, life satisfaction, and happiness-increasing strategies
E Schütz, U Sailer, A Al Nima, P Rosenberg, ACA Arntén, T Archer, ...
PeerJ 1, e156, 2013
A happier and less sinister past, a more hedonistic and less fatalistic present and a more structured future: time perspective and well-being
U Sailer, P Rosenberg, A Al Nima, A Gamble, T Gärling, T Archer, ...
PeerJ 2, e303, 2014
Heart rate variability is enhanced by long-lasting pleasant touch at CT-optimized velocity
C Triscoli, I Croy, S Steudte-Schmiedgen, H Olausson, U Sailer
Biological psychology 128, 71-81, 2017
Calming effects of touch in human, animal, and robotic interaction—scientific state-of-the-art and technical advances
M Eckstein, I Mamaev, B Ditzen, U Sailer
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 555058, 2020
Exposure shapes the perception of affective touch
U Sailer, R Ackerley
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 35, 109-114, 2019
Temporal dynamics of brain activation during 40 minutes of pleasant touch
U Sailer, C Triscoli, G Häggblad, P Hamilton, H Olausson, I Croy
NeuroImage 139, 360-367, 2016
Assessing noise annoyance: an improvement-oriented approach
U Sailer, M Hassenzahl
Ergonomics 43 (11), 1920-1938, 2000
Effects of learning on feedback-related brain potentials in a decision-making task
U Sailer, FPS Fischmeister, H Bauer
Brain research 1342, 85-93, 2010
Touch satiety: differential effects of stroking velocity on liking and wanting touch over repetitions
C Triscoli, R Ackerley, U Sailer
PloS one 9 (11), e113425, 2014
Commentary: coordination of eye and hand in time and space
H Bekkering, U Sailer
Progress in Brain Research 140, 365-373, 2002
Context-sensitivity of the feedback-related negativity for zero-value feedback outcomes
DM Pfabigan, EM Seidel, K Paul, A Grahl, U Sailer, R Lanzenberger, ...
Biological Psychology 104, 184-192, 2015
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