Isolasi dan uji aktivitas enzim selulase pada bakteri selulolitik asal tanah sampah H Murtiyaningsih, M Hazmi Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Science) 15 (2), 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Pengukuran Indole - 3 - Acetic Acid (IAA) pada Bacillus sp . dengan Penambahan L – Tryptofan HM Meli Astriani Bioeduscience 2 (2), 116 - 1 21, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Isolasi DNA genom dan identifikasi kekerabatan genetik nanas menggunakan RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorfic DNA) H Murtiyaningsih Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Science) 15 (1), 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Cloning and heterologous expression of extracellular plantaricin F produced by Lactobacillus plantarum S34 isolated from "Bekasam" in Lactococcus lactis. AZ Mustopa, H Murtiyaningsih, F Fatimah, S Suharsono | 10 | 2016 |
Construction, heterologous expression, partial purification, and in vitro cytotoxicity of the recombinant plantaricin E produced by Lactococcus lactis against Enteropathogenic … AZ Mustopa, S Mariyah, Fatimah, S Budiarti, H Murtiyaningsih, ... Molecular biology reports 45, 1235-1244, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Isolation and cellulase enzyme activities assays in cellulolytic bacteria origin from soil waste H Murtiyaningsih, M Hazmi Agritrop 15 (2), 293-308, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Optimization of honey concentration on in vitro sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) shoot induction L Muzayyana, M Hazmi, LS Arum Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity 4 (2), 106-111, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Penguatan Pangan Lokal Berkelanjutan Melalui Edukasi Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting Bagi Keluarga Berisiko BK Ningtyas, H Murtiyaningsih, LS Arum Jurnal Pengabdian Teknologi Informasi dan Kesehatan (DIANKES) 1 (2), 54-61, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Pengaruh ZPT Alami dan Komposisi Media Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Puring (Codiaeum variegatum) B Tripama, AR Junaedi, H Murtiyaningsih, B Suroso, LS Arum BIOSAPPHIRE: Jurnal Biologi dan Diversitas 1 (2), 103-113, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Pemanfaatan Jamur Entomopatogen Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch) Sebagai Bioinsektisida Dalam Mengendalikan Hama Kepik Penghisap Buah (Helopeltis spp) Pada Kakao (Theobroma cacao L) ML Ryzaldi, O Oktarina, H Murtiyaningsih, H Hasbi, GM Aldini Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Eksakta 2 (1), 51-60, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Efektifitas Madu Sebagai Substituen Media Induksi Kalus Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor) Secara In Vitro LS Arum, LW Safitri, H Murtiyaningsih, M Hazmi Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian 10 (1), 39-45, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Efektifitas Pestisida Nabati Ekstrak Daun Pepaya Dan Kenikir Terhadap Intensitas Serangan Ulat Grayak (Spodoptera litura) vDan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) GW Nanda, O Oktarina, H Murtiyaningsih National Multidisciplinary Sciences 1 (2), 152-161, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Increasing Sorghum Production on Marginal Land in the Framework of Food Procurement Post-COVID-19 Pandemic M Hazmi, I Umarie, H Murtiyaningsih, LS Arum 6th International Conference of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource (IC …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Regenerasi Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor) melalui Kultur In Vitro M Silvia, M Hazmi, H Murtiyaningsih, LS Arum Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 17 (1), 68-75, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
IDENTIFIKASI KERAGAMAN GENETIK SORGUM LOKAL HASIL IRADIASI MENGGUNAKAN PENANDA MOLEKULER RPAD LS Arum, MAR Ramadhan, M Hazmi, H Murtiyaningsih Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan 24 (1), 111-118, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Keragaan Tanaman Sorgum Lokal Mutan 1 Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma H Murtiyaningsih, B Suroso, A Hendriyanto, LS Arum Jurnal Penelitian IPTEKS 8 (2), 174-179, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Selection of Polymerase-Producing Thermophilic Bacteria from Ijen Crater, East Java H Murtiyaningsih, LS Arum, R Anggriawan Indones J Biotechnol Biodivers 6 (1), 26-32, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
soluble expression and purification of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) subgenotype B3 in Escherichia coli using thioredoxin fusion tag HM Rahmah Waty, AZ Mustopa, Suharsono, RAtih Asmana Ningrum Asian pacific journal of tropical Disease 7 ( …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Pengklonan Gen Penyandi Peptida Sinyal Pln A Dan Ekspresi Pln E Dan Pln F Ekstraseluler Pada Lactococcus Lactis Nz3900. H Murtiyaningsih Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Efforts to Propagate Sorghum In Vitro to Support Local Food S Aisyah, M Hazmi, H Murtiyaningsih International Applied Science 3 (2), 117-121, 2024 | | 2024 |