其他姓名chen-sihua, sihua chen, chen sh
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
在 jxufe.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
The influencing factors of enterprise sustainable innovation: an empirical study
SH Chen
Sustainability 8 (5), 425, 2016
Consumption behavior of eco-friendly products and applications of ICT innovation
S Chen, H Qiu, H Xiao, W He, J Mou, M Siponen
Journal of Cleaner Production 287, 125436, 2021
A study on cross-border e-commerce partner selection in B2B mode
S Chen, Q He, H Xiao
Electronic commerce research 22 (2), 1-21, 2022
Impacts of platform design on consumer commitment and online review intention: does use context matter in dual-platform e-commerce?
Q Xiao, M Siponen, X Zhang, F Lu, S Chen, M Mao
Internet Research 32 (5), 1496-1531, 2022
Construction of an early risk warning model of organizational resilience: an empirical study based on samples of R&D teams
S Chen
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2016 (1), 4602870, 2016
Supply chain finance platform evaluation based on acceptability analysis
S Chen, J Du, W He, M Siponen
International journal of production economics 243, 108350, 2022
An evolutionary game study of an ecological industry chain based on multi-agent simulation: A case study of the Poyang Lake Eco-Economic zone
S Chen
Sustainability 9 (7), 1165, 2017
When more is less: The other side of artificial intelligence recommendation
S Chen, H Qiu, S Zhao, Y Han, W He, M Siponen, J Mou, H Xiao
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 7 (2), 213-232, 2022
Understanding the inward emotion-focused coping strategies of individual users in response to mobile malware threats
T Xin, M Siponen, S Chen
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (13), 2835-2859, 2022
Exploring the upgrading of Chinese automotive manufacturing industry in the global value chain: An empirical study based on panel data
F Lu, W He, Y Cheng, S Chen, L Ning, X Mei
Sustainability 7 (5), 6189-6211, 2015
Understanding the dark side of gamified interactions on short-form video platforms: Through a lens of expectations violations theory
F Zhou, Y Lin, J Mou, J Cohen, S Chen
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 186, 122150, 2023
Determinants of individual knowledge innovation behavior: A perspective of emotion, knowledge sharing, and trust
S Chen, H Xiao, W He, J Mou, M Siponen, H Qiu, F Xu
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 33 (6), 1-24, 2021
Study on knowledge propagation in complex networks based on preferences, taking wechat as example
S Chen, W He
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (1), 543734, 2014
Empirical research on relationship of knowledge integration and innovation ability of IT enterprise
S Chen, C Tao, W He
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 10 11 (3-4 …, 2012
An evolutionary game model of knowledge workers’ counterproductive work behaviors based on preferences
S Chen
Complexity 2017 (1), 3295436, 2017
Hybrid ecommerce recommendation model incorporating product taxonomy and folksonomy
M Mao, S Chen, F Zhang, J Han, Q Xiao
Knowledge-Based Systems 214, 106720, 2021
Cooperation of Cross-border E-commerce: A reputation and trust perspective
SH Chen, H Xiao, W Huang, W He
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 25 (1), 7-25, 2022
Investigating students’ satisfaction with online collaborative learning during the COVID-19 period: An expectation-confirmation model
X Cheng, Y Bao, B Yang, S Chen, Y Zuo, M Siponen
Group Decision and Negotiation 32 (4), 749-778, 2023
Physical Internet deployment in industry: literature review and research opportunities
S Chen, L Su, X Cheng
Industrial Management & Data Systems 122 (6), 1522-1540, 2022
The game analysis of negative externality of environmental logistics and governmental regulation
S Chen
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 51 (3-4), 143-155, 2013
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