Sara Paver
Sara Paver
在 uchicago.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Interactions between specific phytoplankton and bacteria affect lake bacterial community succession
SF Paver, KR Hayek, KA Gano, JR Fagen, CT Brown, ...
Environmental Microbiology 15 (9), 2489-2504, 2013
Realizing the potential of trait‐based aquatic ecology: New tools and collaborative approaches
CT Kremer, AK Williams, M Finiguerra, AA Fong, A Kellerman, SF Paver, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 62 (1), 253-271, 2017
Temporal patterns in glycolate-utilizing bacterial community composition correlate with phytoplankton population dynamics in humic lakes
SF Paver, AD Kent
Microbial ecology 60, 406-418, 2010
Reevaluating the salty divide: phylogenetic specificity of transitions between marine and freshwater systems
SF Paver, D Muratore, RJ Newton, ML Coleman
Msystems 3 (6), 10.1128/msystems. 00232-18, 2018
Microbial communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes reflect connectivity and local biogeochemistry
SF Paver, RJ Newton, ML Coleman
Environmental microbiology 22 (1), 433-446, 2020
Diversity and succession of pelagic microorganism communities in a newly restored Illinois River floodplain lake
MJ Lemke, SF Paver, KE Dungey, LFM Velho, AD Kent, LC Rodrigues, ...
Hydrobiologia 804, 35-58, 2017
Direct and context‐dependent effects of light, temperature, and phytoplankton shape bacterial community composition
SF Paver, AD Kent
Ecosphere 8 (9), e01948, 2017
Genome streamlining, proteorhodopsin, and organic nitrogen metabolism in freshwater nitrifiers
JC Podowski, SF Paver, RJ Newton, ML Coleman
Mbio 13 (3), e02379-21, 2022
Phytoplankton succession affects the composition of Polynucleobacter subtypes in humic lakes
SF Paver, ND Youngblut, RJ Whitaker, AD Kent
Environmental Microbiology 17 (3), 816-828, 2015
Reevaluating the salty divide: phylogenetic specificity of transitions between marine and freshwater systems. mSystems 3: e00232-18
SF Paver, D Muratore, RJ Newton, ML Coleman
Temporal succession of putative glycolate-utilizing bacterioplankton tracks changes in dissolved organic matter in a high-elevation lake
SF Paver, CE Nelson, AD Kent
FEMS microbiology ecology 83 (3), 541-551, 2013
Diverse and variable community structure of picophytoplankton across the Laurentian Great Lakes
J Gale, C Sweeney, S Paver, ML Coleman, AW Thompson
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (10), 2327-2345, 2023
Advances in Aerobiology
P D’Alvise, SF Paver, KE Dungey, G Alves, SK Drake
Advances in Aerobiology, 232, 2021
Unifying Paradigms Across the Salinity Divide: Picocyanobacteria in the Laurentian Great Lakes as a Case Study
M Coleman, S Paver, J Podowski
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Ecological and Metabolic Strategies of Nitrifying Lineages Across Freshwater Inland Seas
J Podowski, S Paver, RJ Newton, M Coleman
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Microbial Composition and Adaptations in Oligotrophic Inland Seas
S Paver, MR Anderson, G Vargas, M Coleman
2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2016
Microbial Composition and Adaptations in Oligotrophic Inland Seas
M Coleman, S Paver, MR Anderson, G Vargas
American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, MM44A-0478, 2016
Investigating the effect of phytoplankton on bacterial community composition across different environmental contexts
SF Paver
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013
COS 74-9: Bacterial use of membrane lipids: A sustainable source of phosphate for the aquatic microbial community?
MJ Lemke, SF Paver
The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, 2008
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