Catherine Herbert
Catherine Herbert
在 sydney.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Applications of GnRH in the control and management of fertility in female animals
CA Herbert, TE Trigg
Animal Reproduction Science 88 (1-2), 141-153, 2005
Providing exemplar-based ‘feedforward’before an assessment: The role of teacher explanation
GD Hendry, P White, C Herbert
Active Learning in Higher Education 17 (2), 99-109, 2016
Effects of a Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Implant on Reproduction in a Male Marsupial, Macropus eugenii
CA Herbert, TE Trigg, MB Renfree, G Shaw, DC Eckery, DW Cooper
Biology of Reproduction 70 (6), 1836-1842, 2004
Long-term effects of deslorelin implants on reproduction in the female tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
CA Herbert, TE Trigg, MB Renfree, G Shaw, DC Eckery, DW Cooper
Reproduction 129 (3), 361-369, 2005
Inbreeding and testicular abnormalities in a bottlenecked population of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
R Cristescu, V Cahill, WB Sherwin, K Handasyde, K Carlyon, D Whisson, ...
Wildlife Research 36 (4), 299-308, 2009
Serologic survey for Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) from urban Sydney, Australia
J Eymann, CA Herbert, DW Cooper, JP Dubey
Journal of Parasitology 92 (2), 267-272, 2006
Dominance, body size and internal relatedness influence male reproductive success in eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus)
EJ Miller, MDB Eldridge, DW Cooper, CA Herbert
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22 (3), 539-549, 2010
Fertility control in female eastern grey kangaroos using the GnRH agonist deslorelin. 1. Effects on reproduction
CA Herbert, TE Trigg, DW Cooper
Wildlife Research 33 (1), 41-46, 2006
Genetics, biotechnology and population management of over-abundant mammalian wildlife in Australasia
DW Cooper, CA Herbert
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 13 (8), 451-458, 2001
. Management issues of urban common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula: a loved or hated neighbour.
J Eymann, CA Herbert, DW Cooper
Australian Mammalogy 28 (2), 153-171, 2006
Effect of deslorelin implants on follicular development, parturition and post-partum oestrus in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
CA Herbert, TE Trigg, DW Cooper
Reproduction 127 (2), 265-273, 2004
Effects of deslorelin implants on reproduction in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
J Eymann, CA Herbert, BP Thomson, TE Trigg, DW Cooper, DC Eckery
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 19 (8), 899-909, 2007
Fertility control in female eastern grey kangaroos using the GnRH agonist deslorelin. 2. Effects on behaviour
R Woodward, ME Herberstein, CA Herbert
Wildlife Research 33 (1), 47-55, 2006
A systematic review of factors affecting wildlife survival during rehabilitation and release
HR Cope, C McArthur, CR Dickman, TM Newsome, R Gray, CA Herbert
PLoS One 17 (3), e0265514, 2022
Leptospirosis Serology in the Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) from Urban Sydney, Australia
J Eymann, LD Smythe, ML Symonds, MF Dohnt, LJ Barnett, DW Cooper, ...
Journal of wildlife diseases 43 (3), 492-497, 2007
Genetic consequences of isolation: island tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) populations and the conservation of threatened species
EJ Miller, MDB Eldridge, KD Morris, KR Zenger, CA Herbert
Conservation Genetics 12, 1619-1631, 2011
From the urban fringe to the Abrolhos Islands: management challenges of burgeoning marsupial populations
CA Herbert
Pest or Guest: the Zoology of Overabundance’.(Eds D. Lunney, P. Eby, P …, 2007
Ultrasonography of wallaby prenatal development shows that the climb to the pouch begins in utero
B Drews, K Roellig, BR Menzies, G Shaw, I Buentjen, CA Herbert, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1458, 2013
High possum mortality on urban roads: implications for the population viability of the common brushtail and the common ringtail possum
TC Russell, CA Herbert, JL Kohen
Australian Journal of Zoology 57 (6), 391-397, 2010
Brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in metropolitan Sydney: population biology and response to Suprelorin contraceptive implants
J Eymann, DW Cooper, CA Herbert
Australian Journal of Zoology 61 (1), 78-86, 2013
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