Ivana Restović
Ivana Restović
Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu, University of Split, unist.hr
在 ffst.hr 的电子邮件经过验证
Dietary DHA/EPA supplementation ameliorates diabetic nephropathy by protecting from distal tubular cell damage
M Vitlov Uljević, K Starčević, T Mašek, I Bočina, I Restović, N Kević, ...
Cell and tissue research 378, 301-317, 2019
Expression and localization of DAB1 and Reelin during normal human kidney development
A Racetin, M Jurić, N Filipović, I Šolić, I Kosović, MG Durdov, N Kunac, ...
Croatian medical journal 60 (6), 521, 2019
Histology of the digestive system of the garfish Belone belone (Teleostei: Belonidae)
I Bočina, Ž Šantić, I Restović, S Topić
The European zoological journal 84 (1), 89-95, 2017
Immunohistochemical expression pattern of RIP5, FGFR1, FGFR2 and HIP2 in the normal human kidney development
A Racetin, F Raguž, MG Durdov, N Kunac, M Saraga, S Sanna-Cherchi, ...
Acta histochemica 121 (5), 531-538, 2019
Ultrastructural characterization of vitamin D receptors and metabolizing enzymes in the lipid droplets of the fatty liver in rat
N Filipović, I Bočina, I Restović, M Grobe, G Kretzschmar, N Kević, ...
Acta histochemica 122 (2), 151502, 2020
The involvement of proliferation and apoptosis in the early human gonad development.
T Vukušić Pusić, T Janjić, I Dujmović, A Poljičanin, V Šoljić, ...
Journal of molecular histology. 44 (1), 55-63, 2013
Expression of epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation markers in the early human gonadal development
V Martinovic, T Vukusic Pusic, I Restovic, I Bocina, N Filipovic, ...
The Anatomical Record 300 (7), 1315-1326, 2017
Histological features of the digestive tract of the adult European hake Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae)
I Bočina, S Ružić, I Restović, A Paladin
Italian Journal of Zoology 83 (1), 26-33, 2016
Važnost praktičnog rada u ostvarivanju prirodoslovne pismenosti.
I Dujmović
Školski vjesnik : časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja. 60 (4), 459-470, 2011
Reabsorption in the proximal tubuli—ultrastructural evidence for a novel aspect of renal VEGF trafficking
M Vitlov Uljević, I Bočina, I Restović, N Kunac, T Mašek, G Kretzschmar, ...
Cell and tissue research 374, 189-201, 2018
Neuronal differentiation in the developing human spinal ganglia.
N differentiation in the developing human spinal ganglia.
The Anatomical Record Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary …, 2016
Regional differences in epidermal thickness and behavioral response following partial denervation of the rat paw.
S Lovrić Kojundžić, I Dujmović, I Grković, D Sapunar
International journal of neuroscience. 118 (12), 1748-1762, 2008
Time course and expression pattern of the neuronal markers in the developing human spinal cord
I Restović, I Bočina, K Vukojević, D Kero, N Filipović, J Raonić, J Vučinić, ...
International journal of developmental neuroscience 74, 1-10, 2019
Histology of the digestive system of the garfish Belone belone (Teleostei: Belonidae). Eur. Zool. J., 84: 89-95
I BoČina, Ž Šantić, I Restović, S Topić
Bo ina I. Histological and Biochemical Features of the Digestive System in the Cage-Reared Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)
T Pavelin, N Kević, I Restović
Int J Biotechnol Recent Adv 2 (1), 51-56, 2018
Immunohistochemical Studies of Cytoskeletal and Extracellular Matrix Components in Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula L. Notochordal Cells
I Restović, K Vukojević, A Paladin, M Saraga‐Babić, I Bočina
The Anatomical Record 298 (10), 1700-1709, 2015
Ultrastructural features of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (Pisces: Scyliorhinidae) notochordal cells and the notochordal sheath
I Restović, K Vukojević, M Saraga-Babić, I Bočina
Italian journal of zoology 83 (3), 329-337, 2016
Histological and histochemical studies of digestive system in the megrim, Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (Teleostei: Scophthalmidae)
M Bebić, N Kević, I Restović, M Šantić, I Bočina
Iranian journal of ichthyology 7 (2), 125-135, 2020
Increased expression of dendrin in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord during stress is regulated by sex hormones
M Jurić, M Balog, V Ivić, M Bošković, B Benzon, A Racetin, K Vukojević, ...
Neuropeptides 86, 102126, 2021
Usvojenost higijenskih navika učenika 4. razreda osnovne škole
I Restović, A Perić
Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu 67 (1), 155-177, 2018
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