Yuanzi Huo
Yuanzi Huo
Research Scientist, Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute
在 hswri.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Ulva prolifera green-tide outbreaks and their environmental impact in the Yellow Sea, China
Y Zhang, P He, H Li, G Li, J Liu, F Jiao, J Zhang, Y Huo, X Shi, R Su, N Ye, ...
Neurosurgery 6 (4), 825-838, 2019
Safeguarding the future of the global seaweed aquaculture industry
E Cook, C Gachon, Y Badis
Growth characteristics and reproductive capability of green tide algae in Rudong coast, China
J Zhang, Y Huo, K Yu, Q Chen, Q He, W Han, L Chen, J Cao, D Shi, P He
Journal of applied phycology 25, 795-803, 2013
Adaptability of free-floating green tide algae in the Yellow Sea to variable temperature and light intensity
J Cui, J Zhang, Y Huo, L Zhou, Q Wu, L Chen, K Yu, P He
Marine Pollution Bulletin 101 (2), 660-666, 2015
Bioremediation efficiency of Gracilaria verrucosa for an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system with Pseudosciaena crocea in Xiangshan harbor, China
Y Huo, H Wu, Z Chai, S Xu, F Han, L Dong, P He
Aquaculture 326, 99-105, 2012
Green algae blooms caused by Ulva prolifera in the southern Yellow Sea: Identification of the original bloom location and evaluation of biological processes …
Y Huo, J Zhang, L Chen, M Hu, K Yu, Q Chen, Q He, P He
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (6), 2206-2218, 2013
Zooplankton functional groups on the continental shelf of the yellow sea
S Sun, Y Huo, B Yang
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (11-12), 1006-1016, 2010
The origin of the Ulva macroalgal blooms in the Yellow Sea in 2013
J Zhang, Y Huo, H Wu, K Yu, JK Kim, C Yarish, Y Qin, C Liu, R Xu, P He
Marine Pollution Bulletin 89 (1-2), 276-283, 2014
Annual patterns of macroalgal blooms in the Yellow Sea during 2007–2017
J Zhang, J Shi, S Gao, Y Huo, J Cui, H Shen, G Liu, P He
PLoS One 14 (1), e0210460, 2019
Variations of morphology and photosynthetic performances of Ulva prolifera during the whole green tide blooming process in the Yellow Sea
JH Zhang, YZ Huo, ZL Zhang, KF Yu, Q He, LH Zhang, LL Yang, R Xu, ...
Marine Environmental Research 92, 35-42, 2013
The fast expansion of Pyropia aquaculture in “Sansha” regions should be mainly responsible for the Ulva blooms in Yellow Sea
J Zhang, P Zhao, Y Huo, K Yu, P He
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 189, 58-65, 2017
Seasonal variation of dominant free-floating and attached Ulva species in Rudong coastal area, China
W Han, LP Chen, JH Zhang, XL Tian, L Hua, Q He, YZ Huo, KF Yu, DJ Shi, ...
Harmful Algae 28, 46-54, 2013
Bioremediation using Gracilaria lemaneiformis to manage the nitrogen and phosphorous balance in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system in Yantian Bay, China
Z Wei, J You, H Wu, F Yang, L Long, Q Liu, Y Huo, P He
Marine Pollution Bulletin 121 (1-2), 313-319, 2017
Feeding and egg production of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus in spring and autumn in the Yellow Sea, China
YZ Huo, SW Wang, S Sun, CL Li, MT Liu
Journal of Plankton Research 30 (6), 723-734, 2008
Bioremediation efficiencies of Gracilaria verrucosa cultivated in an enclosed sea area of Hangzhou Bay, China
YZ Huo, SN Xu, YY Wang, JH Zhang, YJ Zhang, WN Wu, YQ Chen, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 23, 173-182, 2011
Abundance and distribution of Ulva microscopic propagules associated with a green tide in the southern coast of the Yellow Sea
H Yuanzi, H Liang, W Hailong, Z Jianheng, C Jianjun, H Xiwen, Y Kefeng, ...
Harmful Algae 39, 357-364, 2014
Changes to the biomass and species composition of Ulva sp. on Porphyra aquaculture rafts, along the coastal radial sandbank of the Southern Yellow Sea
Y Huo, H Han, H Shi, H Wu, J Zhang, K Yu, R Xu, C Liu, Z Zhang, K Liu, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 93 (1-2), 210-216, 2015
Bioremediation using Gracilaria chouae co-cultured with Sparus macrocephalus to manage the nitrogen and phosphorous balance in an IMTA system in Xiangshan Bay, China
H Wu, Y Huo, F Han, Y Liu, P He
Marine pollution bulletin 91 (1), 272-279, 2015
Variations of dominant free-floating Ulva species in the source area for the world’s largest macroalgal blooms, China: Differences of ecological tolerance
S Wang, Y Huo, J Zhang, J Cui, Y Wang, L Yang, Q Zhou, Y Lu, K Yu, ...
Harmful Algae 74, 58-66, 2018
Nutrient removal ability of seaweeds on Pyropia yezoensis aquaculture rafts in China’s radial sandbanks
H Wu, JK Kim, Y Huo, J Zhang, P He
Aquatic Botany 137, 72-79, 2017
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